Dear TPR WG members,


Please find below the brief notes and action items from today’s meeting. 


The next meeting will be in two weeks on Tuesday, 27 June at 1600 UTC.


Best regards,


Emily, Julie, Berry, and Caitlin





  1. Re: Charter question f5: WG to consider the feasibility of the recommendation of email to “start the clock” for the 24-hour response timeframe.
  2. Re: Charter question g3: WG should consider the two types of disputes – inside and outside the policy – and provide additional rationale/comments.




Transfer Policy Review - Meeting at ICANN77

Proposed Agenda

15 June 2023


1. Chair Welcome



2. Overview of Working Group's preliminary agreements related to Transfer Emergency Action Contact (TEAC) – see attached slides


f2/f3) The time frame (4 hours) for registrars to respond to communications via the TEAC channel has been raised as a concern by the Transfer Policy Review Scoping Team and in survey responses. Does this timeframe need to be adjusted?


DRAFT REC: The working group is recommending that the policy must be revised to update the required timeframe for initial response from 4 hours to 24 hours / 1 calendar day.


f4) Is additional guidance needed to define a “reasonable period of time” after which registrars should be expected to use a standard dispute resolution process?


DRAFT REC: The working group recommends that the Transfer Policy must be updated to state that the initial communication to a TEAC is expected to occur no more than [30 days] following the alleged unauthorized loss of a domain.


DRAFT REC: Once a Gaining Registrar has provided an initial non-automated response to a TEAC communication as described in Section I.A.4.6.3 of the Transfer Policy, the Gaining Registrar must provide additional, substantive updates by email to the Losing Registrar every 72 hours / 3 calendar days until work to resolve the issue is complete. These updates must include specific actions taken by the Gaining Registrar to work towards resolution.


f5) Do telephone communications provide a sufficient “paper trail” for registrars who may later wish to request a transfer “undo” based on failure by a TEAC to respond? Should the option to communicate by phone be eliminated? Is an authoritative “system of record” for TEAC communications warranted? If so, what are the requirements for such a system?


DRAFT REC: The working group recommends that initial communication to the TEAC described in Section I.A.4.6.2 of the Transfer Policy must either be in the form of email or be accompanied by an email communication to the TEAC. This email “starts the clock” for the 24-hours response timeframe specified in Preliminary Recommendation #G2-1. The Gaining Registrar receiving the TEAC communication must respond by email within 24 hours.




ACTION ITEM: WG to consider the feasibility of the recommendation of email to “start the clock” for the 24-hour response timeframe.


3. Overview of Working Group's preliminary agreements related to Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy (TDRP) -- see attached slides


g1) Is there enough information available to determine if the TDRP is an effective mechanism for resolving disputes between registrars in cases of alleged violations of the IRTP? If not, what additional information is needed to make this determination?


WG noted that small number of filings does not, alone, indicate an issue with the TDRP - the scope of the TDRP is very limited, and the WG believes it is an effective mechanism to address the types of disputes it was designed to address: alleged violations of the Transfer Policy


g2) Are the existing informational materials about the TDRP sufficient to ensure that registrars understand the process and the requirements for filing a dispute, including the information they need to give to the dispute resolution provider?



g4/g5) Are requirements for the processing of registration data, as specified in the TDRP, compliant with data protection law? Are the requirements appropriate based on principles of privacy by design and data processing minimization?


WG noted some TDRP evidentiary requirements need to be updated based on EPDP - Temp Spec - Phase 1, Rec. 27, including outdated terminology, as well as Transfer Policy Review WG Phase 1(a) - removal of Gaining FOA


4. Open discussion with Community Participants: what are the pros and cons of recommending a transfer dispute resolution for registrants? -- see attached slides


g3) If the TDRP is considered to be insufficient:

i. Are additional mechanisms needed to supplement the TDRP?

ii. Should the approach to the TDRP itself be reconsidered?



Is there support or not for a recommendation for the GNSO Council to request an Issue Report?








ACTION ITEM: WG should consider the two types of disputes – inside and outside the policy – and provide additional rationale/comments.


5. Closing