Dear Working Group members,


Please find below the proposed agenda for the meeting scheduled to take place on Tuesday 10 August 2021 at 16.00 UTC.


Before the meeting, please take time to read the early written input received to date from SO/AC/SG/Cs: All members will be responsible for familiarizing themselves with the input to help determine the impacts of these comments on the Working Group’s deliberations. Members representing groups who have submitted written input should be prepared to speak to the comments and answer questions from other WG members. Comments regarding AuthInfo Codes and Losing FOA have been added in orange text to the relevant working documents for easy reference.


Please also review the working document for the topic Losing FOA, which will be discussed under agenda item 4:



Kind regards,


Emily, Julie, Caitlin, and Berry




Transfer Policy Review Phase 1 - Meeting #12

Proposed Agenda



Tuesday 10 August 2021 at 16.00 UTC

1. Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)

2. Welcome & Chair updates (5 minutes)

3. Continued discussion of AuthInfo Codes (15 minutes): Focus relevant SO/AC/SG/C written input:

4. Discussion of Losing FOA (60 minutes)

5.  AOB (5 minutes)

- Next meeting: 17 August 2021 @ 16.00 UTC