Dear TPR WG members,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s meeting.


The next meeting will be in two weeks on Tuesday 08 November at 16:00 UTC.


Best regards,


Emily, Julie, Berry, and Caitlin





  1. Jothan Frakes, Jim Galvin, Jody Kolker, and Rick Wilhelm have volunteered to compile a list of attack vectors and how the recommendations solve for them, or where they are out of scope.
  2. For Recommendation #3 -- WG members to review the language in the Implementation note and suggest improvements.  See page 4 in the Working Document at:




Transfer Policy Review - Meeting #63

Proposed Agenda

25 October 2022


1. Roll Call & SOI updates


2. Welcome and Chair Updates



Timeline see:


3. Continue Discussion of Comments on Elimination of the Losing FOA – Recommendation 2 (see Public Comment Review Tool and Working Document [])



4. Continue Discussion of Notification of TAC Provision – Recommendation 3 (see Public Comment Review Tool and Working Document [])


Potential next step: Strawman revision:

Recommendation 3: The working group recommends that the Registrar of Record MUST send a “Notification of TAC Provision” to the RNH, as listed in the registration data at the time of the TAC request, without undue delay but no later than 10 minutes after the Registrar of Record provides the TAC.

Implementation Note: For the purposes of sending the notification, the Registrar of Record should use contact information as it was in the registration data at the time of the TAC request. In cases where a customer uses a Privacy/Proxy service, the Registrar of Record should send the notification directly to contact information associated with the underlying customer where it is possible to do so



ACTION ITEM: For Recommendation #3 -- WG members to review the language in the Implementation note and suggest improvements.  See page 4 in the Working Document at:


For next meeting – review comment from ICANN org: “Include additional elements required to be included in the “Notification of TAC Provision” such as:

* An element that explains that the TAC will enable the transfer of the domain name to another registrar.

* The deadline by which the RNH must take action if the request is invalid so that the registrar has sufficient time to NACK the transfer, where applicable (note that, at the time the RNH receives the “Notification of TAC Provision”, the TAC may have already been provided and the transfer command sent to the registry operator).

* Required actions registrars must take (and by when) upon receiving notification by the RNH of an invalid request.”


6. AOB -- Work Plan for Reviewing Public Comments – see attached and below:



Work Plan

25-10-22: Meeting #63 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Recs #2, #3, #4 TPR WG 10/25/22 In Progress PC review

08-11-22: Meeting #64 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Recs #3, #4, and Question for Community Input on Rec #4 TPR WG 11/08/22 Not Started PC review

10-11-22: Meeting #65 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Recs #5, #6, #7 TPR WG 11/10/22 Not Started PC review

15-11-22: Meeting #66 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Rec #7, #8 TPR WG 11/15/22 Not Started PC review

17-11-22: Meeting #67 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - #9, #10, #11, #12 TPR WG 11/17/22 Not Started PC review

22-11-22: Meeting #68 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - #13, #14, and Question for Community Input on Rec #14 TPR WG 11/22/22 Not Started PC review

29-11-22: Meeting #69 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Question for Community Input on Rec #14, [no comments on #15], #16, #17 TPR WG 11/29/22 Not Started PC review

01-12-22: Meeting #70 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Rec #16, #17 TPR WG 12/01/22 Not Started PC review

06-12-22: Meeting #71 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Rec #18, #19 TPR WG 12/06/22 Not Started PC review

08-12-22: Meeting #72 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Rec #20, #21, #22 TPR WG 12/08/22 Not Started PC review

13-12-22: Meeting #73 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - Charter Questions and Report Text; Additional Suggested Topics and Proposals TPR WG 12/13/22 Not 15-15-12-22: Started PC review

20-12-22: Meeting #74 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A - WG Processes and Modalities; Additional Input TPR WG 12/15/22 Not Started PC review

22-12-22: Meeting #75 - Review of public comments for Phase 1A