Thanks for a very interesting (and at times confusing) meeting this week, team.

I’ve made a start at laying out the new transfer process, including the step in the process, what the specific action is in each step, who does it and where, and any related messaging. I’ve based this on our team discussions and the TechOps paper that we’ve referred to.


You can find it here: Transfer Steps & Notifications


My hope is that writing it out in this manner will help us ensure we’ve got all the steps in the right order and let us figure out what messaging is appropriate at each stage.


Please note there are already some comments in the cells (little yellow flag in the top right corner, or if you hover on the “sheet1” tab at the bottom you’ll see a popup of where all the comments are).  


I very much encourage and appreciate input and changes, and I'm sorry I can’t be at next week’s meeting to discuss it in detail (I will listen to the recording).




Sarah Wyld, CIPP/E
Policy & Privacy Manager
Pronouns: she/her 
+1.416 535 0123 Ext. 1392



From: Julie Bisland
Sent: August 31, 2021 2:19 PM
Subject: [GNSO-TPR] Post Call | Transfer Policy Review PDP WG | Tuesday,31 August 2021 at 16:00 UTC


Dear all,


All recordings for the Transfer Policy Review PDP WG call held on Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 16:00 UTC can be found on the agenda wiki page (attendance included) and the GNSO Master calendar [].


These include:


As a reminder only members and alternates can join the call as a Panelist, observers can join as an Attendee to listen.


For additional information, you may consult the mailing list archives and the main wiki page.


Thank you.

With kind regards,

