Dear Working Group members,


For those of you who are interested in catching up with the work of the small group focused on AuthInfo Codes, please find attached recordings of the three small group meetings held over the last two weeks, as well as notes from those meetings. The small group will have one more meeting on Monday 26 July at 14:00 UTC to wrap up its work for delivery to the full group. The full group will be discussing the small group’s outputs during Tuesday’s call (27 July).


After the small group call this coming Monday, staff will share the additional notes and the recording, as well as the agenda for Tuesday’s full group call and supporting materials.


Kind regards,

Emily, Julie, Caitlin, and Berry


Emily Barabas

Policy Manager, GNSO Policy Development Support

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Phone: +31 (0)6 84507976