Dear TPR WG members,


Please find below the proposed agenda for our next call, taking place on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 16:00 UTC. 

As a reminder, there will be no WG call next week (09 May). In the meantime, the WG’s current Action Item is to complete the TPR Group 1(b) Rationale document by Monday, 13 May. Your rationale input is essential for the Initial Report.

Additionally, in preparation for Agenda item #3 below, please refresh yourselves with the TPR Group 2 recommendations/rationale pertaining to ICANN-approved transfers, which may be found here.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all virtually.

Kind regards,
Caitlin, Julie, Feodora, Berry, and Christian



Transfer Policy Review - Meeting #129

Proposed Agenda

14 April 2024


Proposed Agenda:
1. Welcome and Chair Updates

  1. Updates from CPH Summit

2. CORD Recommendations and Rationale

  1. Discuss any final questions or rationale input before closing CORD topic

3. Return to TPR Group 2: outstanding questions from ICANN Org

  1. Brief recap of ICANN-approved transfers recommendations
  2. Questions and discussion with GDS staff

4. AOB