Hi, I came across-your contact over the-web and wanted to-share a brief note. I think a few-changes, aesthetically and/or SEO-wise, can make your site-convert more-visitors into leads-and also get it placed-higher in the organic search-results, for a few of the select terms. (Search-Engine-Optimization is the-process of affecting the visibility of a-website or a web-page in a search-engine's "natural" or un-paid "organic" search-results) This is NOT like one-of those foreign-emails you probably get in your-inbox every day. Just to be-upfront, I have a full-fledged team for Web-Development-&-SEO. I would just-need to know-which (if not both) services-you're open to checking out-information about, either web-design or-SEO. Would you be-open to seeing more-brief info / quote for what-I would like to accomplish? Best regards, Judy | Director MKT CellSix Media Pte. Ltd. Headquarters: 29, Sin Ming Lane, #04-07 Midview City, Singapore 573969 Other Offices: Hong Kong & China | Australia | New Zealand | USA| UAE
participants (1)
Judy | Cellsix Pte.Ltd.