Re: [lac-discuss-es] [lac-discuss-en] Call for EOI for AASC RALO Representative

ENGLISH Dear Community, I hope you are doing well, I would like to acknowledge all for each expression regarding the EOI for AASC RALO Representative election , specially I want to thank Carlos Aguirre for his kind words and Humberto Carrasco too. Moreover, I am for the points of view of Dev and Vanda . As far I am concerned, all perspectives, opinions must be subjected to feedbacks, agreements from, at least, the majority of the members of this team. In this sense, time is an essencial strand to take into consideration which goes hand in hand with democracy. Therefore, it is fundamental we provide more time to policy making, elections as well as mandates which means democracy , a keystone to keep, hold and continue building the Internet ecosystem . Thank you Kind Regards Hannah Frank SPANISH Estimada Comunidad Espero se encuentren bien, Me gustaría agradecer a todos por cada expresión en relación al EOI para ser representante de AASC RALO , especialmente quiero agradecer a Carlos Aguirre y a Humberto Carrasco. Asimismo, estoy de acuerdo con los puntos de vista de Dev y Vanda . En mi opinión, todas las perspectivas, opiniones deben ser sometidas a comentarios y consensos de al menos la mayoría de los miembros del equipo. En este sentido, el tiempo es un aspecto esencial a tener en cuenta el cual va de la mano con la democracia. En consecuencia, es fundamental que proveamos más tiempo a la toma de decisiones, elecciones como así también mandatos los cuales implican democracia, piedra angular para mantener, sostener y continuar construyendo el ecosistema de Internet . Gracias Saludos cordiales Hannah Frank El lun, 31 de oct. de 2022 8:27 p. m., Humberto Carrasco <> escribió:
Queridos todos,
Me gustaría agradecer a la dirección de LACRALO por la confianza que han depositado en mí. También agradezco las palabras de Carlos Aguirre y Vanda Scartezini. Los siento a ambos mis amigos. Me alegra que haya gente nueva participando en nuestra región. Es un muy buen augurio. El sistema de rotación ha cumplido la función de asegurar la participación de todas las regiones en LACRALO y, por ende, en ICANN. La decisión de aplicar el principio de rotación a todos los puestos de ICANN parece muy sensata. Sería ideal modificar nuestras reglas para extender el principio a estas posiciones. En todo caso, cabe señalar que el cargo para el cual fui elegido requiere dominio del idioma inglés debido a que no existe un sistema de interpretación en estas reuniones. Esta es una limitación que hay que tener en cuenta.
Enviado desde mi iPhone
El 31-10-2022, a la(s) 20:16, Alberto Soto <> escribió:
Dear, they are writing in English in the mail in Spanish, and there is no record in Spanish. Cheers
Enviado desde mi iPhone
El 31 oct. 2022, a la(s) 17:39, Claire Craig <> escribió:
Well said Carlos and supported.
On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 15:00, carlos dionisio aguirre <> wrote:
Hi all. I support this desition. Humberto is a great selection because He is an experimented member of our region. Also I want to support what Vanda and Dev said for the future, we need talk about this. On the other side I want give my special Congratulations to Hannah Frank, a new leader with entusiasm and willings to put her effort and work for the region, she permanent show intentions to add her opinions, ideas and work. And we need to think our replacement with the new leaders, with a new and fresh visions like Hannah.
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre ------------------------------ *From:* Claire Craig <> *Sent:* Monday, October 31, 2022 3:05:02 PM *To:* LACRALO discussion list <>; <> *Cc:* Vanda Scartezini <>; carlos dionisio aguirre <>; Dev Anand Teelucksingh <> *Subject:* Re: [lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Call for EOI for AASC RALO Representative
Thanks Everyone for your prompt responses at such short notice.
EOI have been received from Humberto Carrasco, Carlos Dionisio and Hannah Frank.
The LACRALO leadership team recognises that at this time we do not have a formal selection process in place, and have therefore taken into account the suggestion by Vanda Scartezini and Dev Anand Teelucksingh that for the future, we will review the positions for which LACRALO representation is required and share that information with you.
In the meantime, and because of the short timeframe for a decision, the LACRALO Leadership team has decided to appoint *Humberto Carrasco* to serve for another term, since he has only served for one term and is interested in continuing.
Once again, thanks for your responses and support.
Claire C. Craig, PhD Secretary LACRALO
On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 13:34, Claire Craig <> wrote:
Good suggestion Dev. I will see what I can find out about the leadership positions that require LACRALO representation.
On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 12:56, Dev Anand Teelucksingh <> wrote:
Agree with Vanda, however the timeframe doesn’t allow for this to happen now.
I suggest LACRALO leadership document what additional positions are required by ICANN or the ALAC requiring representation by LACRALO and to share with all in LACRALO.
This way, call for nominations can better happen in a more timely manner and also allow time for rotation principles to be applied.
Also, updates to our RoP can be considered in time for LACRALO GA to incorporate such rotation principles for these additional positions.
Kind Regards
Dev Anand Teelucksingh
On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 10:16 AM, Vanda Scartezini <> wrote:
In my opinion this selection should follow the rotation as we do for any other position representing our Ralo. A- America Central / Andes/ Caribbean Isles/ Mercorsur.
In my view would be Caribbean time, after Andes.
But if just Carlos responding to this EoI I support him for the position.
Best to all
*Vanda Scartezini *
*Polo Consultores Associados *
*São Paulo, Brazil*
* <>*
*Mobile: + 55 11 98181-1464*
*From: *lac-discuss-es <> on behalf of carlos dionisio aguirre <> *Date: *Sunday, 30 October 2022 22:58 *To: *Claire Craig <>, LACRALO discussion list <>, <> *Subject: *Re: [lac-discuss-es] [lac-discuss-en] Call for EOI for AASC RALO Representative
Hi all. I am in, if it is the desition of the mayority .
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre.
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*From:* lac-discuss-en <> on behalf of Claire Craig <> *Sent:* Sunday, October 30, 2022 8:13:35 PM *To:* LACRALO discussion list <>; <> *Subject:* [lac-discuss-en] Call for EOI for AASC RALO Representative
This is a call for Expression of Interest to represent LACRALO on the ALAC and the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee <> (AASC), for the 2023 AASC. The deadline to submit the name of our representative is October 31. I do apologise for the late notice. The current representative is eligible to continue if interested.
The AASC reviews applications for various positions related to the ALAC and makes recommendations to the ALAC on which candidates to appoint or endorse.
The AASC is Chaired by the ALAC Chair and is composed of:
· The ALAC Leadership Team excluding the ALAC Chair (Dave Kissoondoyal, Maureen Hilyard, Joanna Kulesza, Laura Margolis and one other ALAC Member from the Chair's region - NARALO);
· One member representing each RALO.
The AASC selects people to occupy critical positions and AASC members must be both able and willing to take the time to review applications in detail and to participate in the decisions of the Committee.
Claire C. Craig
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participants (2)
Hannah Frank
Humberto Carrasco