Re: [lac-discuss-es] Las palabras del secretario de LACRALO / Algunas palabras del Secretario LACRALO

[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]] Asunto: Re: Las palabras del secretario de LACRALO / Algunas palabras del Secretario LACRALO De: +1. Esto es un intento de llevar escuálida la integridad de la anterior Secretaría en el descrédito. Me parece que este intento revisionista a la pregunta Competencia de Dev grotesco. Sí, hemos tenido nuestros problemas con la traducción y la interpretación. Y así que espero que la traducción es incorrecta. Pero la razón ofrecida por el Secretaría parece detenerse en una reclamación de discriminación inversa. Al leer esto, ahora parece que la discriminación lingüística está siendo adoptado como un principio de funcionamiento de la Secretaría titular. Ahora escucha esto. El idioma de trabajo de la ICANN es el Inglés. No obstante, la LACRALO documento de la organización reconoció a dos (2) idiomas como co-iguales en LACRALO actividades, Inglés y Español. Hemos trabajado duro para extraer compromisos para la traducción y servicios de interpretación de la ICANN.Jacqueline Morris y Cheryl Langdon-Orr como Presidentes del ALAC eran incondicionales en esa lucha. Y sí, entonces nuestro único miembro del personal asignado, Nick Ashton-Hart agitado constantemente en nuestra nombre. Christina Rodríguez se incorporó como ICANN Language Services Manager y nunca cedió. Siempre recordaré Carlos Aguirre, en este contexto, lo duro que trabajó acceder fácilmente a la información y, de hacerse entender cuando habla. La lucha no era sólo para Carlos, pero para muchos otros detrás de él que podría no poder asistir a una reunión de ICANN, pero podÃa leer el procedimiento y escuchar las traducciones de audio para ayudar a comprender mejor lo que era sucediendo en el espacio. Simplemente estoy sorprendido por esto. Con respecto a la elaboración de polÃticas, personas de habla inglesa, sin duda, todavÃa lo hacen tienen una ventaja, Inglés sigue siendo el "ir de" lenguaje. Lo que sucede en LACRALO alrededor de idioma sólo afecta a la forma en que, a nivel interno, colaborar. Lo no impide extender la voz del Caribe en el desarrollo de polÃticas de ICANN cÃrculos. Pero si la LACRALO permanecerá como hogar para América Latina y el Caribe intereses de los usuarios finales, entonces no puede ser tan marginados. Actos de omisión o comisión en este contexto son igualmente problemático. - Carlton Samuels ============================== Carlton Samuels A Móvil: 876-818-1799 * Estrategia, Planificación, Gobierno, Evaluación y Turnaround * ============================= En * Thu, Aug 30, 2012 a las 3:54 AM, Jacqueline Morris <
wrote: Hi Sylvia
Thanks to my mother, a professional simultaneous interpreter and translator (Spanish/French/Portuguese/English) I was able to read this rather surprising email clearly. The translations (both as sent below and via the list auto translate) were not at all possible to understand.
I will not attempt to go into the obvious issues that there seem to be with a representative of an ALS, and I am disappointed by the tone these issues have taken on the list, but there is one issue of FACT that I would like to clarify.
The previous Secretariat, far from only considering the documents in English, went to great pains to compare the documents in BOTH languages, and placed several motions on the agenda for the suspended GA in Costa Rica that were intended to correct the discrepancies between the two sets of documents. One of them was precisely to correct the missing paragraph 11.2 as referenced.
If you would be willing to check back the emails on the list, you will see that this is fact, not conjecture, and I believe an apology is due to our previous Secretariat, who discharged the duty competently, selflessly, without bias and without complaint for several years. The previous Secretariat spent many hours, nights, weekends and vacation days away from work, home, family and friends, and it's unfair to attempt to tarnish and smear the amazing work that was done by him.
Jacqueline A. Morris Technology should be like oxygen: Ubiquitous, Necessary, Invisible and Free. (after Chris Lehmann <> )
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 8:43 PM, <> wrote:
[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
Subject: Any words of Secretary of LACRALO / Some words of LACRALO Secretary From:
Nothing like over time to give equity to things.
And as to the Cintra Seorita Sooknanan like to talk about feelings and
"I am accused" of being a Spanish-speaking secretary, now people Anglophone estn "feeling" that Spanish-speaking people felt since the creation of LACRALO. But stop aques cuestin exalt and weaknesses and work together to grow the region without of the language in which they work.
This month we have had two very serious problems regarding Translation An,
in addition the eternal problem we have in the lists and of which the Tape Seorita referred in his message today.
I am referring to the interpretation of Rule 8, suggested by Jose Ovideo and missing paragraph shall rule 11.2 of the Rules of Procedure in the version of Spanish.
These problems, Perhaps they were not detected before because my predecessor only working with documents in its version in Englishman! (Same case that HACA I referred to above).
Luckily we now have the Translation An Working Group, which is secrete you will be asked to collate all documents
LACRALO as one of their subjects of study, and if they find any Unlike the department enven translations of ICANN.
This secretary esttrabajando several hours every day (including late week) by and for LACRALO;
though I'm not doing anything msy nothing less than fulfill my obligations and honor the commitment to this community in April 2012.
I'm trying to understand the rules apply and incomplete documents LACRALO on the powers and duties for secrete.
Also, I want to thank the great help direct and indirect I provide the Staff, Dev Teelucksingh and Carlton Samuels in this arduous job.
Living and learning
Greetings all,
P> D = observe that in writing I try to use short sentences and pronouns traduccina personal facilitate Englishman list!
Nothing like overtime to give equity to things. And Miss Cintra Sooknanan like to Talk About Feelings and she "Accused me" of being a Spanish-speaking secretary, now English-speaking people are "Feeling" that the Spanish speakers felt from creating LACRALO. But the point here is to stop exalting and Weaknesses and work together for the region to grow Regardless of the language in Which They work. This month We have had two very serious problems with regard to translation, Addition to the perennial problem in the info we have lists and Of which Miss Tape Referred in his message today. I am Referring to the interpretation of Rule 8, Suggested by Jose Ovideo and missing paragraph of Rule 11.2 of the Rules of Procedure in the Spanish version.
These problems, may not Have Been detected before Because my predecessor was only working with documents in the English version! (Same case Referred to I above). Luckily now We have the work of translation WG, this secretary is Which That going to request all documents will LACRALO revised As One of Their subjects of study and That If They will find any difference sent to ICANN Translation department. This secretary is working several hours every day (including weekends) for LACRALO; though I'm doing nothing more and nothing less than my Fulfill Obligations and honor the Commitment to this community in April 2012. I'm trying to understand the rules apply and the incomplete LACRALO documents on the Powers and Duties of the office of secretary. Also, I do wish to thank the large direct and indirect aid it Gives me the Staff, Dev Teelucksingh and Carlton Samuels In This hard work.
Living & Learning
Greetings all, Sylvia PD = note That I try to write short sentences and use Personal Pronouns to Facilitate translation from English to the list!
Sylvia Herlein
Secretary LACRALO-ICANN / 2012-2013 - <>
2009-2012 Secretary FLUI
sylvia_leite = Skype
Descrio: Assinatura_Sylvia_Internautabrasil
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