Re: Resultados de la votaci�n: 2.014 At-Large Director Ejecutivo (asiento # 15) Proceso de Selecci�n

[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]] Asunto: Re: Resultados de la votación: 2.014 At-Large Director Ejecutivo (asiento # 15) Proceso de Selección De: ¡Buenas tardes Y podría añadir (aunque, por supuesto, a los ojos inexpertos y no con elocuencia de Veronica) el placer que ha sido (y es) el trabajo con Sebastian y cómo me estoy mirando adelante para ver Renalia on Board Mejor Nigel Enviado desde mi iPhone
On 30 Mar 2014, at 11:34, "KleinwÀchter, Wolfgang" <> wrote:
I also want to join the many thanks to Sebastian (great job), to Rinalia (great challenge) and Roberto and Tijani (well done). Nothing more to add what Veronica has said so nicely and well structured.
I this context: DonÂŽt forget the History. In the present NTIA transition discussion a lot of "orginal ideas" from 1998 are remembered. One orginal idea was to give the At Large Membership nine voting seats. Article V, Section 4 of the Orginal Bylaws (November 6, 1998) said in para. iv: "Nine (9) At Large Directors, selected pursuant to a process to be established by a majority vote of all the At Large Board members of the Initial Board".
We know the history. Five voting directors were elected in 2000 for two years. In November 2001 the At Large Membership Committee, chaired by Carl Bildt, recommended the establishment of an At Large Supporting Organisation (ALSO) with the right to send six voting directors to the board.
In 2002, as part of the general ICANN reform process the ideas of an At Large elections and the establishment of an ALSO with six regional councils were abolished and were substituted by an "At Large Advisory Committee" (ALAC) with five RALOs, a certification process for ALSs and the establishment of a NomCon which now sends eight directors to the board. The NomCom got five voting At Large Members. The chair of ALAC was invited to serve as a non-votong liaison in the Board (similar to the chair of the GAC).
In the preparation for ATLAS I in Mexico in 2008 we were calling for two voting ALAC Board members. We got one. Now ATLAS II is at the horizon. We need a strong message from ATLAS II that the multistakeholder model - which is now under tough discussion and has to face its "moment of truth" - will work only, if you have a strong civil society role in policy development and decision making.
Here we have to invest more how to do this and to go out of our silos both within the broader CS community (in particular with NCUC and NPOC) as well as in cross constituency communication, coordination and collaboration with private sector, technical community and governments. A big challenge.
Von: im Auftrag von Veronica Cretu Gesendet: Sa 29.03.2014 15:55 An: Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond Cc:;;;;;; At-Large Worldwide; Betreff: Re: [EURO-Discuss] [At-Large] VOTE RESULTS: 2014 At-Large Board Director (Seat #15) Selection Process
Dear colleagues, dear Olivier - thanks for this message and to echo and build up on it, I would also like to:
- Thank *Sebastian* for the work done in his capacity as a member of the Board and wish him success in the upcoming new roles and initiatives. We all continue building on our previous experiences, so this process should be a continuous exercise and include those who can learn from us - so, I am sure Sebastian will find good ways to share the wealth of expertise gained in his role as a Board member and continue serve the community in the best possible ways.
- Congratulate *Rinalia* for being elected to the Board and wish her much luck in this interesting, yet, challenging new role. These are important times for ICANN which will require several key competences, and awareness of geo-political realities in different parts of the world. I trust Rinalia will be able to deliver on the expectations on the community-at-large.
- Thank *Roberto* for the wonderful leadership of the BCEC - it has been for me, personally, a great experience. Like in any experience there are always things to learn from and improve based on the input from members.
On this note, hope everyone attending ICANN 49 managed to return home safe & sound, otherwise, wishing you safe travels back home!
With very best, Veronica
On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <>wrote:
Dear All,
I wanted to extend my congratulations to Rinalia Abdul Rahim in what was a very balanced election that required many rounds to differentiate the candidates.
Rinalia has been selected by our community to sit on the Board at a moment that is not only crucial for At-Large but also crucial for ICANN as a whole. She will take her seat at the 2014 ICANN Annual General Meeting - the last meeting of the year - which will take place in Los Angeles.
Thanks to all of the candidates who have run for the position. It is through a wide candidate list that we can assure a wider choice of options for the future of our community.
Thanks to Roberto Gaetano and the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee. Their work has been crucial in providing a first class short-list of candidates.
Thanks to Tijani Ben Jemaa and the Board Member Selection Process Committee for their stewardship of a process that has been challenging due to the multiple instances of Ties.
The work of these Committees is not over. They will analyse lessons learnt and work together to provide the ALAC with an updated set of recommendations to improve the selection process next time around.
Finally, I would like to remind you that until the 2014 ICANN AGM, the Board Member selected by At-Large is Sébastien Bachollet and would like to reaffirm the full support of our community in the challenging months ahead of us. We are well aware that he is not on the Board to "represent us" but as a candidate from our community selected to the Board by our community, he has proven himself to share his experience of Internet End Users with his Board Colleagues and we are grateful of his continued involvement in all matters of ICANN.
Kindest regards,
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond ALAC Chair
On 26/03/2014 15:06, ICANN At-Large Staff wrote: Dear All,
Tijani Ben Jemaa, Chair of the Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC) 2014, has asked that an announcement on the final vote results of the Board Director (Seat #15) selected by the ALAC/At-Large for 2015-2017 (to take their seat at the 2014 AGM) be published.
This is to inform you that the 2014 At-Large Board Director (Seat #15) Selection Process was completed on 25-March-2014.
Below is the list of candidates (listed in alphabetical order of the family name) who ran for the position:
* Rinalia Abdul Rahim * Sébastien Bachollet * Alan Greenberg * Evan Leibovitch * Jean-Jacques Subrenat
After the FIRST ROUND VOTE and the SECOND ROUND's first vote, tie breaking vote, and second (final) vote, the candidate who is selected as the Board Director (Seat #15) by ALAC/At-Large for 2015-2017 is: Rinalia Abdul Rahim.
You may review the results, as well as the detailed information about the selection procedure, under:
Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC E-mail: <> <applewebdata://68497759-1B04-4F9B-84B7-B9445B8F305F/Regards,%20Heidi%20Ullrich,%20Silvia%20Vivanco,%20Matt%20Ashtiani,%20Ariel%20Liang,%20Gisella%20Gruber,%
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-- *Veronica Cretu *
*President, Open Government Institute**Republic of Moldova - <>*
*Member of the Steering Committee, * *Open Government Partnership (OGP);* * <>*
*Member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group* *To the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)*
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*Member of the Nominating Committee of ICANN* *(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbering)*
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