Re: [lac-discuss-es] [lac-discuss-en] [Lacralo-governance] APOLOGY / Meeting Invitation: LACRALO Governance WG Call on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 at 22 :00 UTC

[[-- Translated text (en -> es) --]] Colegas, Puede que llegue un poco tarde debido a una conferencia que me pidieron que diera a partir de las 6 de la tarde. Asistiré tan pronto como pueda. Atentamente El martes 28 de noviembre de 2023 a las 9:46 a. m. Dev Anand Teelucksingh<> escribió:
Dear All,
Regrettably, I am unable to attend this call due to other committments
On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 8:12 AM Claire C. Craig <> wrote:
Dear All Please accept my apology for today’s meeting. I have another commitment which can’t be changed. CCC
Sent from my iPhone
On 28 Nov 2023, at 1:37 AM, ICANN At-Large Staff via Lacralo-governance <> wrote:
***If you require a dial-out or need to state an apology, please contact At-Large staff at ** <>* *with your preferred number.***
Dear All,
Further to the doodle, the next *LACRALO Governance WG Call* is scheduled for *Tues**day, **28 November** 2023 **at 22:00 UTC.*
Spanish interpretation will be provided subject to availability.
For other times:
Please note that the agenda and call details can be found at:
Wiki workspace:
ADIGO Conference Bridge: *(Please note: When dialing into the Adigo bridge, please press 1638 and then inform the Adigo operator which language you prefer)*
English Conference ID = 1638
Spanish Conference ID = 1638
Toll-free access number (US and Canada): 800 550 6865
Other toll-free numbers: **[] <>
*Zoom Room: * ** <> Password: *LAC-GOV-00*
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
At-Large Staff
ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
Facebook: <> atlarge <>
Twitter: @ <>ICANNAtLarge <>
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