Re: [lac-discuss-es] =? Iso-8859-1? Q? Fin_de_a = F1o_? =

[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]] Asunto: Re: =? Iso-8859-1? Q? Fin_de_a = F1o_? = De: - A mis amigos y compañeros de LACRALO, Le deseamos todo lo mejor para el año que viene con un montón de felicidad, el bien salud y el éxito para usted y su familia. God Bless - Cintra El lunes, 31 de diciembre 2012 a las 5:39 PM, Carlton Samuels <> escribió:
...and Every Good Wish to You and Yours for 2013. - Carlton
============================== Carlton A Samuels Mobile: 876-818-1799 *Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround* =============================
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 8:48 AM, <> wrote:
[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
Subject: =? Iso-8859-1? Q? Fin_de_a = F1o_!? = From:
Aoy comes to the truth is it's been a very full year eventful. I just let some lines
LACRALO this year has experienced some good and undesirable situations, but of them all, each of us has something we permititbNL> continue to grow personally and professionally.
LACRALO most, this year, more volunteers to the region, this is an indication of that many people are interested and many other who will be if he knew of our existence.
RALO LACRALO was the first, and the region pioneered many things within ICANN. This means that the potential of people Latinoamrica and Caribbean together is immeasurable.
I liked that 2013 is a year where the internal bonds of the region be made more strong and where we increasingly share between all spaces of various kinds, regardless of language, culture or personal beliefs.
With great affection I leave greetings to all.
Happy New Year and blessings to you and your loved ones!
JosArce. - _______________________________________________
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