RV: [lac-discuss-en] (EN/ES) VOTE RESULT: 2018 LACRALO Elections

________________________________ De: carlos dionisio aguirre <carlosaguirre62@hotmail.com> Enviado: miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018 10:59 a.m. Para: Sergio Salinas Porto Asunto: Re: [lac-discuss-en] (EN/ES) VOTE RESULT: 2018 LACRALO Elections Dear Sergio, It was nice to see you changed the emblematic yours " companion" for "friends" in your email greetings. this showed me a little positive change and made me feel that we will expect something better for the future. your friend Carlos Dionisio Aguirre ________________________________ De: lac-discuss-en <lac-discuss-en-bounces@atlarge-lists.icann.org> en nombre de Sergio Salinas Porto <presidencia@internauta.org.ar> Enviado: martes, 29 de mayo de 2018 12:11:47 p.m. Para: lac-discuss-en@icann.org Asunto: Re: [lac-discuss-en] (EN/ES) VOTE RESULT: 2018 LACRALO Elections [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]] Subject:Re: (EN/ES) VOTE RESULT: 2018 LACRALO Elections Desde:Sergio Salinas Porto <presidencia@internauta.org.ar> Dear friends, Thanks for all the messages received in private and public congratulating me for this new challenge. A great team of people with rich individual experiences and participative management in LACRALO is the one that was elected in this election and we must make the most of it.I want to tell you that I will give all the best of me so that LACRALO works and is up to the circumstances in the framework of the demands that the world of the internet is marked, much more needs to be done, much more planning. The great challenge is perhaps to be able to have a strategy capable of overcoming electoral processes and allowing us to demarcate a clear policy of defense of rights and principles that have a foundation in the interests of the end users of the Internet in our extensive territory.To conclude, I would like to congratulate all those elected and those who were not elected for their participation in the elections and for wanting the best for our region within the logic of diver sity of opinions that prevail in our broad area of regional participation. Best regards! Sergio Salinas Porto President Argentine Internaut Argentina Association of Internet Users / FeTIA / CTA FLUI- Latin American Federation of Internet Users facebook: salinasporto twitter: sergiosalinas Youtube: salinasporto Skype: internautaargentina Mobi: +54 9 223 5 215819 "Hopefully we can be disobedient, every time we receive orders that humiliate our conscience or violate our common sense "Eduardo Galeano [[--Original text (es) Translated by transbot 2.18-2.04 http://mm.icann.org/transbot_archive/8f11102e0c.html --]] _______________________________________________ lac-discuss-en mailing list lac-discuss-en@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-en

Carlos, no tengo respuesta para esto, no se si es una broma o es una posición ideológica basada en el prejuicio de aquellos que creemos que si estamos juntos trabajando en temas comunes y penando por las mismos temas de seguro somos "Compañeros". Saludos cordiales *Sergio Salinas Porto**Presidente Internauta Argentina**Asociación Argentina de Usuarios de Internet <http://www.internauta.org.ar/>/FeTIA <http://www.fetia.org.ar/>/CTA <http://ctamdq.org.ar/>**FLUI- Federación Latinoamericana de Usuarios de Internet <http://www.fuilatin.org/>**facebook: salinasporto <http://www.facebook.com/salinasporto> **twitter: sergiosalinas <http://twitter.com/sergiosalinas>**Youtube: salinasporto <http://www.youtube.com/salinasporto>**Skype:internautaargentina**Mobi:+54 9 223 5 215819**"Ojalá podamos ser desobedientes, cada vez que recibimos órdenes que humillan nuestra * * conciencia o violan nuestro sentido común" Eduardo Galeano* 2018-05-30 11:01 GMT-03:00 carlos dionisio aguirre < carlosaguirre62@hotmail.com>:
------------------------------ *De:* carlos dionisio aguirre <carlosaguirre62@hotmail.com> *Enviado:* miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018 10:59 a.m. *Para:* Sergio Salinas Porto *Asunto:* Re: [lac-discuss-en] (EN/ES) VOTE RESULT: 2018 LACRALO Elections
Dear Sergio, It was nice to see you changed the emblematic yours " companion" for "friends" in your email greetings.
this showed me a little positive change and made me feel that we will expect something better for the future.
your friend
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre ------------------------------ *De:* lac-discuss-en <lac-discuss-en-bounces@atlarge-lists.icann.org> en nombre de Sergio Salinas Porto <presidencia@internauta.org.ar> *Enviado:* martes, 29 de mayo de 2018 12:11:47 p.m. *Para:* lac-discuss-en@icann.org *Asunto:* Re: [lac-discuss-en] (EN/ES) VOTE RESULT: 2018 LACRALO Elections
[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
Subject:Re: (EN/ES) VOTE RESULT: 2018 LACRALO Elections Desde:Sergio Salinas Porto <presidencia@internauta.org.ar>
Dear friends, Thanks for all the messages received in private and public congratulating me for this new challenge. A great team of people with rich individual experiences and participative management in LACRALO is the one that was elected in this election and we must make the most of it.I want to tell you that I will give all the best of me so that LACRALO works and is up to the circumstances in the framework of the demands that the world of the internet is marked, much more needs to be done, much more planning. The great challenge is perhaps to be able to have a strategy capable of overcoming electoral processes and allowing us to demarcate a clear policy of defense of rights and principles that have a foundation in the interests of the end users of the Internet in our extensive territory.To conclude, I would like to congratulate all those elected and those who were not elected for their participation in the elections and for wanting the best for our region within the logic of diver sity of opinions that prevail in our broad area of regional participation. Best regards!
Sergio Salinas Porto President Argentine Internaut Argentina Association of Internet Users / FeTIA / CTA FLUI- Latin American Federation of Internet Users facebook: salinasporto twitter: sergiosalinas Youtube: salinasporto Skype: internautaargentina Mobi: +54 9 223 5 215819 "Hopefully we can be disobedient, every time we receive orders that humiliate our conscience or violate our common sense "Eduardo Galeano
[[--Original text (es) Translated by transbot 2.18-2.04 http://mm.icann.org/transbot_archive/8f11102e0c.html --]] _______________________________________________ lac-discuss-en mailing list lac-discuss-en@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-en
_______________________________________________ lac-discuss-es mailing list lac-discuss-es@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es
participants (2)
carlos dionisio aguirre
Sergio Salinas Porto