Fwd: Propuesta de reducci�n piloto de F2F Reuniones mensuales de RALO durante las reuniones de ICANN

[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]] Asunto: Fwd: Propuesta de reducción piloto de F2F Reuniones mensuales de RALO durante las reuniones de ICANN De: hcarrascob@gmail.com Estimados miembros de Lacralo, ¿Alguna opinión sobre este tema? Escucharemos opiniones hasta el 1 de mayo a las 23:00 UTC para comentar sobre este tema. Saludos
De: Heidi Ullrich <Heidi.Ullrich@icann.org> Fecha: 25 de abril de 2017, 20:48:45 CLST Para: "'secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org'" <secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org> Asunto: [Secretariat] Proposal for pilot reduction of F2F Monthly RALO meetings during ICANN Meetings
Dear All,
During ICANN 58, the ALAC and Regional Leaders discussed the need for more time to discuss issues together as a team during ICANN Meetings or for Working Group Meetings.
In order to open up more time on the At-Large schedule, a suggestion was made to begin a pilot to reduce the number of RALO f2f monthly meetings held during ICANN Meetings, in particular during the Community Forum (March Meeting) and the Policy Forum (June Meeting).
The suggestion was that only the RALO in which the ICANN Meeting is taking place would be encouraged to hold their monthly meeting f2f during the ICANN Meeting.
RALOs who need to plan events happening either in the months following the ICANN Meeting or at the next ICANN meeting could hold informal planning sessions if they wished.
The Monthly Meetings of the RALOs would continue to be held via teleconference.
The ALAC is requesting that the RALO leadership ask their regions if there is any strong feeling not to move ahead with this pilot and report back to the ALAC by Tuesday, 2 May.
Kind regards, Heidi
Heidi Ullrich VP, Policy Development & At-Large Relations Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Mobile: +1 (310) 437 â 3956 Fax: +1 (310) 823 - 8649 E-mail: Website: atlarge.icann.org Facebook: facebook.com/icannatlarge Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge
_______________________________________________ Secretariat mailing list Secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/secretariat
Secretariat wiki at: https://community.icann.org/x/OpQi
[[--Original text (en) http://mm.icann.org/transbot_archive/4a42af785f.html --]]

Estimado Humberto, estoy de acuerdo en no tener reuniones mensuales F2F de las RALOs durante las reuniones de ICANN cualquiera sea su tipo (A, B o C). Con excepción si así lo desea, la RALO anfitriona. En primera instancia, por las diferencias horarias, siempre hay al menos tres RALOs con escasa o nula concurrencia en esas reuniones. Y como consecuencia, ese tiempo es más aprovechable para coordinar otro tipo de reuniones . Pero considero necesario, lograr la realización de una reunión F2F cuando la reunión de ICANN se realice en nuestra Región. Tal cual sucede para ICANN59 con AFRALO. Para ello el liderazgo de LACRALO debe hacer el requerimiento con la antelación necesaria. Saludos cordiales Alberto Soto El 2017-04-26 21:16, hcarrascob@gmail.com escribió:
[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]]
Asunto: Fwd: Propuesta de reducci�n piloto de F2F Reuniones mensuales de RALO durante las reuniones de ICANN De: hcarrascob@gmail.com
Estimados miembros de Lacralo,
�Alguna opini�n sobre este tema? Escucharemos opiniones hasta el 1 de m yo a las 23:00 UTC para comentar sobre este tema.
De: Heidi Ullrich <Heidi.Ullrich@icann.org> Fecha: 25 de abril de 2017, 20:48:45 CLST Para: "'secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org'" <secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org> Asunto: [Secretariat] Proposal for pilot reduction of F2F Monthly RALO meetings during ICANN Meetings
Dear All,
During ICANN 58, the ALAC and Regional Leaders discussed the need for more time to discuss issues together as a team during ICANN Meetings or for Working Group Meetings.
In order to open up more time on the At-Large schedule, a suggestion was made to begin a pilot to reduce the number of RALO f2f monthly meetings held during ICANN Meetings, in particular during the Community Forum (March Meeting) and the Policy Forum (June Meeting).
The suggestion was that only the RALO in which the ICANN Meeting is taking place would be encouraged to hold their monthly meeting f2f during the ICANN Meeting.
RALOs who need to plan events happening either in the months following the ICANN Meeting or at the next ICANN meeting could hold informal planning sessions if they wished.
The Monthly Meetings of the RALOs would continue to be held via teleconference.
The ALAC is requesting that the RALO leadership ask their regions if there is any strong feeling not to move ahead with this pilot and report back to the ALAC by Tuesday, 2 May.
Kind regards, Heidi
Heidi Ullrich VP, Policy Development & At-Large Relations Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Mobile: +1 (310) 437 – 3956 Fax: +1 (310) 823 - 8649 E-mail: Website: atlarge.icann.org Facebook: facebook.com/icannatlarge Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge
Estimado Humberto, estoy de acuerdo con no realizar reuniones F2F en las reuniones de ICANN, sea cual sea eltipo (A,B o C).
Secretariat mailing list Secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/secretariat
Secretariat wiki at: https://community.icann.org/x/OpQi
[[--Original text (en) http://mm.icann.org/transbot_archive/4a42af785f.html --]]
_______________________________________________ lac-discuss-es mailing list lac-discuss-es@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es

Completamente de acuerdo contigo Alberto. Saludos, León
El 26/04/2017, a las 21:48, asoto@ibero-americano.org escribió:
Estimado Humberto, estoy de acuerdo en no tener reuniones mensuales F2F de las RALOs durante las reuniones de ICANN cualquiera sea su tipo (A, B o C). Con excepción si así lo desea, la RALO anfitriona. En primera instancia, por las diferencias horarias, siempre hay al menos tres RALOs con escasa o nula concurrencia en esas reuniones. Y como consecuencia, ese tiempo es más aprovechable para coordinar otro tipo de reuniones . Pero considero necesario, lograr la realización de una reunión F2F cuando la reunión de ICANN se realice en nuestra Región. Tal cual sucede para ICANN59 con AFRALO. Para ello el liderazgo de LACRALO debe hacer el requerimiento con la antelación necesaria. Saludos cordiales
Alberto Soto
El 2017-04-26 21:16, hcarrascob@gmail.com escribió:
[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]] Asunto: Fwd: Propuesta de reducci�n piloto de F2F Reuniones mensuales de RALO durante las reuniones de ICANN De: hcarrascob@gmail.com Estimados miembros de Lacralo, �Alguna opini�n sobre este tema? Escucharemos opiniones hasta el 1 de m yo a las 23:00 UTC para comentar sobre este tema. Saludos
De: Heidi Ullrich <Heidi.Ullrich@icann.org> Fecha: 25 de abril de 2017, 20:48:45 CLST Para: "'secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org'" <secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org> Asunto: [Secretariat] Proposal for pilot reduction of F2F Monthly RALO meetings during ICANN Meetings Dear All, During ICANN 58, the ALAC and Regional Leaders discussed the need for more time to discuss issues together as a team during ICANN Meetings or for Working Group Meetings. In order to open up more time on the At-Large schedule, a suggestion was made to begin a pilot to reduce the number of RALO f2f monthly meetings held during ICANN Meetings, in particular during the Community Forum (March Meeting) and the Policy Forum (June Meeting). The suggestion was that only the RALO in which the ICANN Meeting is taking place would be encouraged to hold their monthly meeting f2f during the ICANN Meeting. RALOs who need to plan events happening either in the months following the ICANN Meeting or at the next ICANN meeting could hold informal planning sessions if they wished. The Monthly Meetings of the RALOs would continue to be held via teleconference. The ALAC is requesting that the RALO leadership ask their regions if there is any strong feeling not to move ahead with this pilot and report back to the ALAC by Tuesday, 2 May. Kind regards, Heidi Heidi Ullrich VP, Policy Development & At-Large Relations Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Mobile: +1 (310) 437 – 3956 Fax: +1 (310) 823 - 8649 E-mail: Website: atlarge.icann.org Facebook: facebook.com/icannatlarge Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge _______________________________________________
Estimado Humberto, estoy de acuerdo con no realizar reuniones F2F en las reuniones de ICANN, sea cual sea eltipo (A,B o C).
Secretariat mailing list Secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/secretariat Secretariat wiki at: https://community.icann.org/x/OpQi [[--Original text (en) http://mm.icann.org/transbot_archive/4a42af785f.html --]]
lac-discuss-es mailing list lac-discuss-es@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es http://www.lacralo.org
lac-discuss-es mailing list lac-discuss-es@atlarge-lists.icann.org https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es
participants (3)
León Felipe Sánchez Ambía