Re: [lac-discuss-es] [ALAC-Announce] Statement of the ALAC on Academia Representation on the NomCom

I fully endorse the statement made by theEURALOcolleagues. I understand that only communities can elect their members and not an entity organized outside the community (in this case the Board of ICANN) *Sergio Salinas Porto Presidente Internauta Argentina Asociación Argentina de Usuarios de Internet <>FLUI- Federación Latinoamericana de Usuarios de Internet <>LACRALO - ALAC Member facebook:salinasporto twitter:sergiosalinas MSN/MSN YAHOO/Talk: salinasporto... Skype:internautaargentina Mobi:+54 9 223 5 215819 * * "Ojalá podamos ser desobedientes, cada vez que recibimos órdenes que humillan nuestra conciencia o violan nuestro sentido común" -Eduardo Galeano- * El 29/05/2011 12:18 a.m., ICANN At-Large Staff escribió:
Hello, all,
Attached is the final Statement of the ALAC on Academia Representation on the NomCom, submitted to the staff person responsible for this public comment topic, as well as to the Board Secretary, on 28 May.
Regards, Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber-White, and Marilyn Vernon ICANN At-Large Staff
email: staff[at] website:
________________________________ From: ICANN At-Large Staff Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2011 4:29 PM To:; Secretary Cc:; ICANN At-Large Staff Subject: RE: Statement of the ALAC on Academia Representation on the NomCom
Hello, all,
Attached to the below e-mail was a Word version of the Statement of the ALAC on Academia Representation on the NomCom. Of course, it was our intension to attach a PDF version. Apologies for the error.
The PDF version is now attached here. If you would kindly post the PDF, not the Word version, it would be appreciated.
Many thanks, Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber-White, and Marilyn Vernon ICANN At-Large Staff
email: staff[at] website:
________________________________ From: ICANN At-Large Staff Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2011 3:06 PM To:; Secretary Cc:; ICANN At-Large Staff Subject: Statement of the ALAC on Academia Representation on the NomCom
Dear all,
The At-Large staff has the honor of transmitting to you, on behalf of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), the Statement of the ALAC on Academia Representation on the NomCom.
The ALAC ratification vote on this Statement will start imminently -- on ICANN's next business day. We will inform the Board of the results of this vote.
Christopher Wilkinson, a member of an At-Large Structure ( ALS) in the European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO), composed a first draft of this statement, which he shared with the EURALO community and later with the wider At-Large community.
With the support from several At-Large members, a wiki workspace<> containing this statement was created. The At-Large staff sent out a call for comments from the At-Large community, to be submitted via this workspace, on 20 May 2011.
Comments were received not only on the workspace but also during the ALAC and ALAC Executive Committee monthly calls held on 24 May 2011.
On 28 May 2011, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, (a) wrote a second draft of this statement, attached here, incorporating the received comments, and (b) requested that the At-Large staff begin a five day ALAC ratification vote on this statement on the next business day.
With this same e-mail, this ALAC Statement is being transmitted to the ICANN Board Secretary and Amy Stathos, the ICANN staff member responsible for this public comment topic.
Regards, Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber-White, and Marilyn Vernon ICANN At-Large Staff
email: staff[at] website:
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