Greetings RPM IRT members: Availability, Action Items, and Next Steps

Greeting RPM IRT members, Thanks to everyone that was able to attend our last meeting. Please take a moment to share your availability for the next 4 RPM IRT meetings and review the suggested action items / next steps provided below. Availability: Please use these doodle poll links to share your availability: Meeting 11: (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 12 (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 13: (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 14: (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Action Items: During meeting #10, the group discussed the need to seek further input from various groups to enhance clarity and accessibility of the Claims Notice in Exhibit A and B<>. In its implementation guidance, the Working Group advises that the IRT use appropriate flexibility and consider whether it believes it will be helpful to solicit input from resources internal and/or external to the ICANN community as the IRT deems necessary and appropriate. * We invite RPM IRT members to engage with the stakeholder groups they represent to ask for any additional input on Claims Notice Language<> and Educational Materials<> where they believe it is appropriate. Please provide any input by June 20th. Following this, we will work with the ICANN communications team to assess the documents and share with the RPM IRT for its review prior to Meeting #12. * Please also review proposed edits related to URS Rules <> - Section 12 “Default” prior to meeting #11 Next Steps: * ICANN will assemble a summary of the discussion, community positions, ICANN assessment, and proposed next steps related to the discussion on URS Rules Section 3.3<> and amendments to URS complaints. * ICANN will also assemble the process/workflow to show how/where complaints amendments fit into the overall URS Complaint process to help inform the discussion. * ICANN will distribute these documents with the RPM IRT for consideration and discussion. If a consensus is not reached during the next RPM IRT call, we will suggest asking Susan Payne to identify if this is something that needs to be taken to the GNSO Council per the GDD Policy Implementation Framework (Section 3E<>): As such, the IRT is expected to serve as a resource to staff on the background and rationale of the policy recommendations and return to the GNSO Council for additional guidance as required. Thank you, Sherwood Moore

Dear Sherwood It seems like Doodle options are from UTC 16h00-17h00, instead of 17h00-18h00. That is not a issue, but I just would like to confirm what should be the correct time. I will also use the opportunity to ask about the external resources input on Claims Notices and Educational Materials: the idea is that we, as RPM IRT members, reach them out it ourselves during this ~3-week period, or there will be a specific moment afterwards where this kind of external consultation will be possible? Cordially, Pedro de Perdigão Lana <> Lawyer, <> GEDAI/UFPR Researcher PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra) Board Member @ <> CC Brasil, <> NCUC (NCSG/ICANN), <> ISOC BR and <> IODA This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received by mistake, please reply informing it. De: RPM-IRT <> Em nome de Sherwood Moore Enviada em: quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2024 21:18 Para: Assunto: [RPM-IRT] Greetings RPM IRT members: Availability, Action Items, and Next Steps Greeting RPM IRT members, Thanks to everyone that was able to attend our last meeting. Please take a moment to share your availability for the next 4 RPM IRT meetings and review the suggested action items / next steps provided below. Availability: Please use these doodle poll links to share your availability: Meeting 11: <> (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 12 <> (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 13: <> (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 14: <> (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Action Items: During meeting #10, the group discussed the need to seek further input from various groups to enhance clarity and accessibility of the <> Claims Notice in Exhibit A and B. In its implementation guidance, the Working Group advises that the IRT use appropriate flexibility and consider whether it believes it will be helpful to solicit input from resources internal and/or external to the ICANN community as the IRT deems necessary and appropriate. * We invite RPM IRT members to engage with the stakeholder groups they represent to ask for any additional input on <> Claims Notice Language and <> Educational Materials where they believe it is appropriate. Please provide any input by June 20th. Following this, we will work with the ICANN communications team to assess the documents and share with the RPM IRT for its review prior to Meeting #12. * Please also review proposed edits related to <> URS Rules - Section 12 “Default” prior to meeting #11 Next Steps: * ICANN will assemble a summary of the discussion, community positions, ICANN assessment, and proposed next steps related to the discussion on <> URS Rules Section 3.3 and amendments to URS complaints. * ICANN will also assemble the process/workflow to show how/where complaints amendments fit into the overall URS Complaint process to help inform the discussion. * ICANN will distribute these documents with the RPM IRT for consideration and discussion. If a consensus is not reached during the next RPM IRT call, we will suggest asking Susan Payne to identify if this is something that needs to be taken to the GNSO Council per the GDD Policy Implementation Framework ( <> Section 3E): As such, the IRT is expected to serve as a resource to staff on the background and rationale of the policy recommendations and return to the GNSO Council for additional guidance as required. Thank you, Sherwood Moore

Dear Pedro, Thank you for your note; I’m responding in Sherwood’s absence. On the Doodle poll, you are correct, the times listed in UTC are 16-1700. For the additional outreach, this is the period for such external consultation. We are asking that if any of the IRT members wish to seek the additional input from any other stakeholders/groups (such as those referenced in the Final Report), they reach out during this time frame. I appreciate your asking the question and hope this is helpful clarification. Best regards, Karen From: RPM-IRT <> on behalf of Pedro Lana <> Date: Monday, June 3, 2024 at 2:06 AM To: Sherwood Moore <>, "" <> Subject: [RPM-IRT] RES: Greetings RPM IRT members: Availability, Action Items, and Next Steps Dear Sherwood It seems like Doodle options are from UTC 16h00-17h00, instead of 17h00-18h00. That is not a issue, but I just would like to confirm what should be the correct time. I will also use the opportunity to ask about the external resources input on Claims Notices and Educational Materials: the idea is that we, as RPM IRT members, reach them out it ourselves during this ~3-week period, or there will be a specific moment afterwards where this kind of external consultation will be possible? Cordially, Pedro de Perdigão Lana Lawyer []<;!!PtGJab4!_FROTf17JTWkk7Vpd...>, GEDAI/UFPR []<;!!PtGJab4!_FROTf17JTW...> Researcher PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra) Board Member @ CC Brasil []<;!!PtGJab4!_FROT...>, NCUC (NCSG/ICANN), []<;!!PtGJab4!_FROTf17JTWkk7V...> ISOC BR []<;!!PtGJab4!_FROTf17JTWkk7Vp...> and IODA []<;!!PtGJab4!_FROTf17JTWkk7Vp...> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received by mistake, please reply informing it. De: RPM-IRT <> Em nome de Sherwood Moore Enviada em: quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2024 21:18 Para: Assunto: [RPM-IRT] Greetings RPM IRT members: Availability, Action Items, and Next Steps Greeting RPM IRT members, Thanks to everyone that was able to attend our last meeting. Please take a moment to share your availability for the next 4 RPM IRT meetings and review the suggested action items / next steps provided below. Availability: Please use these doodle poll links to share your availability: Meeting 11: []<> (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 12 []<> (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 13: []<> (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Meeting 14: []<> (17:00 - 18:00 UTC) Action Items: During meeting #10, the group discussed the need to seek further input from various groups to enhance clarity and accessibility of the Claims Notice in Exhibit A and B []<>. In its implementation guidance, the Working Group advises that the IRT use appropriate flexibility and consider whether it believes it will be helpful to solicit input from resources internal and/or external to the ICANN community as the IRT deems necessary and appropriate. * We invite RPM IRT members to engage with the stakeholder groups they represent to ask for any additional input on Claims Notice Language []<> and Educational Materials []<> where they believe it is appropriate. Please provide any input by June 20th. Following this, we will work with the ICANN communications team to assess the documents and share with the RPM IRT for its review prior to Meeting #12. * Please also review proposed edits related to URS Rules []<;!!PtGJab4!_FROTf17JTWkk7VpdDEl4IPoJt_rUdZujHcyq3B5xVUfUjrtM05SztPPOAJ1T51fAtuwhvfEQLb3PHAcdBF5PFY$>- Section 12 “Default” prior to meeting #11 Next Steps: * ICANN will assemble a summary of the discussion, community positions, ICANN assessment, and proposed next steps related to the discussion on URS Rules Section 3.3 []<> and amendments to URS complaints. * ICANN will also assemble the process/workflow to show how/where complaints amendments fit into the overall URS Complaint process to help inform the discussion. * ICANN will distribute these documents with the RPM IRT for consideration and discussion. If a consensus is not reached during the next RPM IRT call, we will suggest asking Susan Payne to identify if this is something that needs to be taken to the GNSO Council per the GDD Policy Implementation Framework (Section 3E<>): As such, the IRT is expected to serve as a resource to staff on the background and rationale of the policy recommendations and return to the GNSO Council for additional guidance as required. Thank you, Sherwood Moore
participants (3)
Karen Lentz
Pedro Lana
Sherwood Moore