Implementation Review Team

To whom it may concern, I am Elif Güldüz Gürel, Assistant Specialist at the Turkish Information Technologies and Communications Authority (BTK). My employer is the regulatory and supervisory authority of information and communication technologies sector in Turkiye. I am working on the regulation of domain names at the BTK Institution. I am also a member of ccNSO's "Policy Development Process (PDP) Review Mechanism Working Group". If I talk about my education, I graduated from Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Law. I am still doing my master's in law at the same university. The subject of my ICT specialization thesis is "domain names dispute types and ICANN Arbitration System and ".tr" arbitration system review". My master's thesis is "Violation of Trademark Rights on the Internet" The main reason for my contact with you is that I want to be a member of your "Implementation Review Team". I would like to contribute to both myself, my Institution and the literature in domain name law. Also ı want to say that, I was a NexGen at ICANN75 and I made a presentation about Türkiye's domain name legislation. Our Regulation entered into force in 14.09.2022 and with this new regulation our registration system has changed. We register many of generics with first come first served principle. And also we have a new ADR system which is similar to UDRP. Nowadays, I am researching about other ccTLD's flat names's ( for exapmle, sunrise period and I am conducting the Momerandum of Understanding negotiations between WIPO and BTK. Lastly, ı want to indicate that I am insttructor at the at BTK Academi which is online education platform about Domain Name Law. I hope, it is not a late time for apply; İf you accept I will catch up the whole process that I am not involve. I am exciting about being a part of Implementation Review Team. Best wishes. [BTK] Elif GÜLDÜZ GÜREL Bilişim Uzman Yardımcısı Bilgi Teknolojileri Dairesi Başkanlığı Tel: 1569 Adres: Eskişehir Yolu 10.Km No: 276 Posta Kodu: 06530 Çankaya/Ankara<> _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ________________________________ YASAL UYARI: Bu e-postada yer alan bilgiler, beraberinde iletilen tüm bilgi, onay ve her türlü formattaki dosyalar, gizlidir ve kişiye özel olabilir ve sadece gönderildiği kişi ya da kuruma ya da bu bilgileri kullanmaya ya da almaya yetkili diğer kişilere özeldir. Eğer siz doğru kişi değilseniz, bu e-postayı açıklamak, kopyalamak, dağıtmak ya da içeriğine istinaden işlem yapmak tümüyle yasaktır ve kanuna aykırı olabilir. Bu nedenle bu e-postayı yanlışlıkla aldıysanız, bu durumu derhal gönderene haber veriniz ve e-postayı siliniz. Bu e-postanın tarafınıza yanlışlıkla iletilmiş olması yüzünden e-postanın gizli ve kişiye özel niteliği kaybolmaz ya da bu niteliğinden vazgeçilmez. BTK, bu e-postada yer alan bilgilerin ya da e-postanın kendisinin usulüne göre ve/veya tam iletiminden ya da e-postanın alınmasında yaşanan herhangi bir gecikmeden sorumlu değildir. BTK bu e-postanın içeriği ile ilgili olarak hiç bir hukuksal sorumluluğu kabul etmez. BTK, virüs filtreleme uygulamakla birlikte, e-postanın virüs içermediğini garanti ya da temin etmez. DISCLAIMER: The information, consent and file attached thereto, contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged, and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others authorized to use it or receive it. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in reliance of the contents of this e-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If therefore you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and then delete it. Confidentiality and legal privileges are not waived or lost even if you have been accidentally transmitted by this e-mail. BTK is not responsible for the proper and/or complete transmission of the information contained in this e-mail or of the e-mail itself nor in any delay in its receipt. BTK does not accept any form of legal responsibility for the content of this e-mail. Whilst BTK does apply virus filtering, it provides no guarantee or warranty that the e-mail is virus-free.
participants (1)