Language for IRT Consideration - String Contention Procedures (Topic 35: Auctions) - 21 January 2025 Meeting

Dear IRT Members, We are pleased to share proposed AGB language on “String Contention and Contention Resolution Procedures” for discussion at our upcoming meeting on Tuesday, 21 January 2025. The link to the language can be found here <> and relates to issues discussed in ‘Topic 35: Auctions’ of the Final Report. A PDF<> version of this document is also available on the meeting page<>. This draft does not contain language on procedures relating to Brand TLD String Change or resolving contention between Geographic Names – these issues are still being discussed internally and will be published and shared with the IRT as soon as possible in advance of our final meeting to discuss this topic, which is scheduled to take place on 5 February 2025. Should you have any questions or problems accessing the above links, please reach out in advance of the meeting. Thanks and best wishes, Peter Peter Eakin Policy Research Specialist, Policy Research & Stakeholder Programs Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Office: 6 Rond Point Schuman, Bt. 1, Brussels B-1040, Belgium
participants (1)
Peter Eakin