ATRT Page -- helpful location information

Dear BC members, The new practice in ICANN is to have dedicated pages for certain topics, such as ATRT and SSR. That makes the materials a little hard to find, and some materials on ATRT were posted only on Saturday or Sunday, however, to help members keep on top of the ATRT, please bookmark this link and you will be able to find all future relevant updates [we are promised that we will see lots of forthcoming materials for comment and input. Many of the ATRT elements will influence issues that the BC members are very concerned about related to ICANN governance, as well as the policy work of the GNSO. I am optimistic that the Board Committee welcomed the suggestion of a briefing webinar, and if that happens, we will have an improved opportunity for those interested in getting a better sense of how ICANN is implementing the ATRT recommendations. It was disappointing to us to learn that so little substantive work has actually been done. But, from sitting in the various Board Committee working sessions when the ATRT assigned elements were discussed, I believe that the Board members are fully committed to the successful implementation, so let's expect a lot of upcoming work.
participants (1)
Marilyn Cade