ICANN Meeting 2012 Costa Rica and Prague

Dear Members, http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-24jun11-en.htm#1.11 Part of the consensus motions for last Fridays board meeting that was not read out (strangely to me) an on the fast scroll up of the minutes I mis read as Puerto Rico. Resolved (2011.06.24.14), the Board accepts the proposal of the Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Costa Rica and approves that the ICANN 2012 Latin America Meeting shall be held in San Jose, Costa Rica from 11-16 March 2012, with a budget not to exceed US$2.29M. Resolved (2011.06.24.15), the Board accepts the proposal of CZ.NIC, Czech Republic and approves that the ICANN 2012 Europe Meeting shall be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 24-29 June 2012, with a budget not to exceed US$2.268M Rod has previously blogged that the October meeting will be in Toronto, Canada. Looking forward to see you there. Chris Chaplow Managing Director Andalucia.com S.L. Avenida del Carmen 9 Ed. Puertosol, Puerto Deportivo 1ª Planta, Oficina 30 Estepona, 29680 Malaga, Spain Tel: + (34) 952 897 865 Fax: + (34) 952 897 874 E-mail: <mailto:chris@andalucia.com> chris@andalucia.com Web: <http://www.andalucia.com/> www.andalucia.com Information about Andalucia, Spain.
participants (1)
Chris Chaplow