[ICANN Community Leaders] 30 May Update

FYI From: SO-AC-SG-CLeaders <so-ac-sg-cleaders-bounces@icann.org> on behalf of ICANN Community Leadership Digest <david.olive@icann.org> Reply-To: "policyinfo@icann.org" <policyinfo@icann.org> Date: Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 11:01 AM To: "so-ac-sg-cleaders@icann.org" <so-ac-sg-cleaders@icann.org> Subject: [ICANN Community Leaders] 30 May Update [Image removed by sender.] Thursday, 30 May 2019 ICANN Community Leadership Digest [Image removed by sender.] This twice-weekly digest helps ICANN community leaders track requests and provides updates from ICANN org. TABLE OF CONTENTS Information Sharing · NEW: Expiration of Rejection Action Petition Period to Exercise the Empowered Community's Power to Reject the ICANN FY20 Operating Plan and Budget · NEW: Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model: Continuing the Conversation and Preparing for ICANN65 · NEW: CSC Findings on PTI Performance for April 2019 · REMINDER: Get Ready for ICANN65 Prep Week · REMINDER: CCT-RT Recommendations · LOOKING AHEAD: ICANN66 Travel Support Timeline ICANN65 Planning · SAVE THE DATE: ICANN65 Community Leadership Reception · REMINDER: Sign up for the Engagement Booth at ICANN65 · REMINDER: Invitation to Meet with Brian Cute in Marrakech · REMINDER: Meet with the ATRT3 Review Team Public Comment · Evolving ICANN's Multistakeholder Model · Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone Version 3 (RZ-LGR-3) · Study on Technical Use of Root Zone Label Generation Rules · Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews · Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System Information Sharing NEW: Expiration of Rejection Action Petition Period to Exercise the Empowered Community's Power to Reject the ICANN FY20 Operating Plan and Budget Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support FOR: All Community Leaders INFORMATION SHARING The 21-day Rejection Action Petition Period, during which the Empowered Community could have begun an action to reject ICANN's FY20 Operating Plan and Budget, expired at 06:59 UTC on Thursday, 30 May 2019. As no petitions were received, the Rejection Process therefore terminates automatically. Under the ICANN Bylaws, a formal notice certifying the termination will be delivered by the Empowered Community Administration to the ICANN Secretary. NEW: Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model: Continuing the Conversation and Preparing for ICANN65 Executive: Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives FOR: All Community Leaders INFORMATION SHARING Brian Cute has published his latest blog post [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> updating the community on the work related to evolving ICANN's multistakeholder model. You can also contribute to the open Public Comment proceeding on this topic here [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> and read more about the ongoing community conversation about evolving ICANN;s multistakeholder model here [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...>. NEW: CSC Findings on PTI Performance for April 2019 From: Byron Holland, Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Chair FOR: All Community Leaders INFORMATION SHARING I am pleased to inform you that the CSC has concluded that Public Technical Identifier (PTI)’s overall performance over April 2019 was “Excellent” - PTI met the service level agreement at 100% for the month of April 2019. The related PTI report to the CSC, listing the individual service level metrics along with their actual and historical performance, can be found here [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...>. I’m also very pleased to inform you that the CSC and PTI made considerable progress in updating the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) identified in our Findings Report [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...>. The CSC was informed that ICANN and PTI have completed the amendment of the IANA Naming Function Contract to allow for a differentiated approach to changes of the SLAs. The CSC has agreed with the PTI plan how to update two (2) Service Levels listed in the CSC Findings Report: 1. Update to “Technical Checks – Retest” to better align with operational realities. The change refers to the timing for tests (current SLA 1-5 minutes, the actual performance is between 5-8 minutes and the proposal is to change it to 10 minutes). It is understood that this change does NOT have an impact on the services to the direct customers, and therefore and in accordance with agreed procedures no public comment period is required. 2. The second change is the introduction of a new SLA for processing Label Generation Rules (LGRs) with respect to Internationalized Domain Name tables and publishing these tables. This is a new SLA to be introduced at the suggestion of the CSC. PTI will shortly start a public comment forum to seek feed-back and input on the proposed SLA. More detailed information around both SLAs can be found at: · Technical Check Change (PDF) [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> · New SLAs for Publication of LGRs [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> In addition, the CSC has adopted and agreed to the proposed implementation of the four (4) recommendations by the CSC Effectiveness Review Team. · Documenting and make public the very limited role if the CSC with respect to individual complaints related to the IANA Naming Function Services. · On-boarding of new members and liaisons · Develop a skill/expertise matrix to assist appointing organizations in their selection process · Inform the members and liaisons appointing organizations timely about the attendance record of their appointees. The CSC response to the recommendations of the CSC Effectiveness Review is fully concluded (eight months after it started). BACKGROUND Generally, the CSC regular meeting is scheduled at or around the 15th every month, and the CSC. Findings report on the PTI performance is sent out shortly after that meeting. If you would like to be informed of upcoming meetings or receive CSC reports directly, you may want to subscribe to our announce list [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...>. Any comments on our reporting to you is welcome. The CSC became effective October 1, 2016. Background information on the committee along with transcripts of our meetings and other useful information can be found here [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...>. REMINDER: Get Ready for ICANN65 Prep Week Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support FOR: All Community Leaders INFORMATION SHARING ICANN released the schedule for ICANN65 Prep Week [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...>. The Prep Week will feature eight webinars, including updates on several community-led projects. This initiative aims to streamline the pre-ICANN Public Meeting experience to enable more substantive conversations during sessions, increase awareness of cross-community and high-interest topics, and enhance briefings and readout sessions. Register and submit any questions via this form [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> by Friday, 7 June 2019. All registered attendees will receive participation details days before the webinar dates. LOOKING AHEAD: ICANN66 Travel Support Timeline Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support FOR: All Community Leaders INFORMATION SHARING All travel support requests are now due 120 days prior to the next ICANN Public Meeting. This was previously a 90-day deadline. Therefore, the deadline for ICANN66 travel support is Friday, 5 July 2019. If applicable, community groups will need to adjust their election timelines accordingly to ensure new leaders are eligible in time for the ICAN66 travel support deadline. ICANN65 Planning SAVE THE DATE: ICANN65 Community Leadership Reception Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support FOR: All Community Leaders INFORMATION SHARING Save the date for the ICANN65 Community Leadership Reception with members of the ICANN Board and Executive Team on Sunday, 23 June 2019, 18:00-20:00 CET in Marrakech, Morocco. Details will be confirmed as the date approaches. REMINDER: Sign up for the Engagement Booth at ICANN65 Executive: Sally Costerton, Senior Advisor to the President and CEO; Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement FOR: All Community Leaders INFORMATION SHARING I know everyone is busy preparing for ICANN65, but I want to make you aware that you are welcome to come and do outreach at the ICANN Engagement Booth at ICANN65. The ICANN Engagement Booth is in place for newcomers, ICANN org, and the ICANN community to engage in discussions. It is supported by volunteers from the community, including members of ICANN's Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees. It would be beneficial to have the presence of seasoned ICANN community members to share their knowledge. We would like to offer one-hour slots during ICANN65. Please click here [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> to sign up for a slot. Thank you, Deborah Escalera REMINDER: Invitation to Meet with Brian Cute in Marrakech Executive: Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives FOR: All Community Leaders INFORMATION SHARING A high interest topic session on this the future of the multistakeholder model of governance [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> is planned for ICANN65. Facilitator Brian Cute is interested in updating the community on the work that has been done to date and discuss how a work plan to address the community-identified issues will be developed following ICANN65. Community leaders interested in scheduling time to meet with Brian Cute in Marrakech can email <evolvingmsm@icann.org>. REMINDER: Meet with the ATRT3 Review Team at ICANN65 Executive: Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives FOR: All SO/AC Chairs INFORMATION SHARING The third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) will meet in Marrakech to advance its work. As some of the team will be in Marrakech we would like to ask for a 30 to 40-minute slot on your community group's agenda, if possible. Community input is key to the success of this process. If you are able to accommodate us on your agenda, please send us an email to <atrt3-coordination@icann.org> to let us know a day and time that would suit. We will send you a preliminary set of questions ahead of the meeting to aid the discussion. We also welcome any questions you wish to raise in advance. Our goal for Marrakech is to: - Socialize our terms of reference and scope; - Conduct investigation of identified objectives - Seek input from the community to help us shape our findings and draft recommendations. BACKGROUND The ATRT review is mandated by ICANN Bylaws Section 4.6 (b) to examine ICANN’s execution of its commitment to maintain and improve robust mechanisms for public input, accountability, and transparency so as to ensure that the outcomes of its decision-making reflect the public interest and are accountable to the Internet community. Prior to meeting in Marrakech, the review team met on 3-5 April in Los Angeles for its first substantive meeting to develop our terms of reference and work plan, in response to the Board Resolution (2018.10.25.15) requesting that “ATRT3 adopt its Terms of Reference and Work Plan within 60 days of convening its first meeting, and submit these documents to the Board and to the leadership of the Supporting Organizations and the Advisory Committees, to confirm that the team's scope and timeline are consistent with the requirements of the ICANN Bylaws and ICANN community expectations.” We look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks and best regards, Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Pat Kane, ATRT3 Co-Chairs Public Comment Evolving ICANN's Multistakeholder Model [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> Close Date: Tuesday, 4 June 2019 Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone Version 3 (RZ-LGR-3) [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> Close Date: Tuesday, 4 June 2019 Study on Technical Use of Root Zone Label Generation Rules [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> Close Date: Sunday, 30 June 2019 Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> Close Date: Monday, 15 July 2019 Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> Close Date: Friday, 9 August 2019 Volume 1, Issue 23 | Archive [r20.rs6.net]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3...> | Next Issue: Monday, 3 June 2019 ICANN | 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 Unsubscribe so-ac-sg-cleaders@icann.org [visitor.constantcontact.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__visitor.constantcontact...> Update Profile [visitor.constantcontact.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__visitor.constantcontact...> | About our service provider [constantcontact.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.constantcontact.com_...> Sent by david.olive@icann.org<mailto:david.olive@icann.org> in collaboration with [Image removed by sender. 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participants (1)
Terri Agnew