Draft Agenda for GNSO public forum

Hello All, We have two hours available for the GNSO public forum on Friday. Here is a draft agenda for consideration. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions/changes: (1) Reports from GNSO constituency meetings on Thursday 1 Dec - business users constituency - gtld registries constituency - Internet service and connection provider constituency - non-commercial users constituency - registrar constituency - intellectual property constituencies (2) WHOIS - update from the WHOIS task force on defining the purpose of WHOIS - open mike (3) Evaluation of recent round of new sponsored gtlds - presentation my Miriam Shapiro on the process and lessons learnt - open mike (4) New TLDs - outline of proposed terms of reference - presentation by dotBERLIN on why there should be more TLDs - open mike (5) Internationalised domain names - motion to request an issues report - open mike (6) Open mike on any other issues Regards, Bruce Tonkin
participants (1)
Bruce Tonkin