Re: [council] Draft Agenda for GNSO public forum

Bruce, I have two additions. One is the .com/litigation topic, which deserves time on our agenda. I also note to the Council that I recommend that the Council table a resolution on this topic for the Council meeting itself. Secondly. If you recall, I asked to invite Janis Karklins, president of WSIS prepatory process, and Ambassador from Latvia, to discuss the outcomes of WSIS with the Council. Can we offer Ambassador Karklins a set 30 min time slot for a dialogue with the Council in our public forum? Am. Karklins has accepted and we need to give him a time for the participation. We could certainly put this segment at the end of the two hour segment, and take some time from the formal Council agenda. Can you let me know what time might work for Am. Karklins? -----Original Message----- From: "Bruce Tonkin" <> Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:07:23 To:"GNSO Council" <> Subject: [council] Draft Agenda for GNSO public forum Hello All, We have two hours available for the GNSO public forum on Friday. Here is a draft agenda for consideration. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions/changes: (1) Reports from GNSO constituency meetings on Thursday 1 Dec - business users constituency - gtld registries constituency - Internet service and connection provider constituency - non-commercial users constituency - registrar constituency - intellectual property constituencies (2) WHOIS - update from the WHOIS task force on defining the purpose of WHOIS - open mike (3) Evaluation of recent round of new sponsored gtlds - presentation my Miriam Shapiro on the process and lessons learnt - open mike (4) New TLDs - outline of proposed terms of reference - presentation by dotBERLIN on why there should be more TLDs - open mike (5) Internationalised domain names - motion to request an issues report - open mike (6) Open mike on any other issues Regards, Bruce Tonkin Regards, Marilyn Cade
participants (1)
Marilyn Cade