Travel drafting team mailing list open

Dear All, Pursuant to the agreement on the Council call on Thursday 25 September, 2008, a mailing list has been opened for a drafting team to develop a proposal for consideration by the Council for ICANN subsidization of GNSO travel expenses. The following drafting team volunteers have been subscribed to the list: Avri Doria - GNSO Chair Chuck Gomes -GNSO Vice Chair Olga Cavalli - NCA Zahid Jamil - CBUC Ken Stubbs - Registry c. Greg Ruth - ISPCP Robin Gross - NCUC Cyril Chua - NCUC GNSO Travel Drafting Team mailing list address: With public archives: The list is published on page: Please let me know who else should be added. Thank you, Kind regards, Glen Glen de Saint Géry GNSO Secretariat
participants (1)
Glen de Saint Géry