Re: [council] Travel drafting team mailing list open

Hi Glen I am from the IPC. Kind regards, Cyril Chua Partner IP & Technology Group -------- Alban Tay Mahtani & de Silva LLP 39 Robinson Road #07-01, Robinson Point, Singapore 068911 Tel: (65) 6534 5266 / Fax: (65) 6223 8762 / DID: (65) 6428 9812 -------- ALBAN TAY MAHTANI & DE SILVA LLP < This message (including attachments) contains privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not to take any action in reliance on it nor to disseminate, distribute, publish or copy this message. If you have received this message in error, please accept our apologies, delete all copies from your system and notify us at Unless it relates to the official business of ATMD, any opinions or matters expressed in this message are those of the individual sender. > ----- Original Message ----- From: Glen de Saint Géry [] Sent: 09/30/2008 03:45 PM MST To: "" <> Subject: [council] Travel drafting team mailing list open Dear All, Pursuant to the agreement on the Council call on Thursday 25 September, 2008, a mailing list has been opened for a drafting team to develop a proposal for consideration by the Council for ICANN subsidization of GNSO travel expenses. The following drafting team volunteers have been subscribed to the list: Avri Doria - GNSO Chair Chuck Gomes -GNSO Vice Chair Olga Cavalli - NCA Zahid Jamil - CBUC Ken Stubbs - Registry c. Greg Ruth - ISPCP Robin Gross - NCUC Cyril Chua - NCUC GNSO Travel Drafting Team mailing list address: With public archives: The list is published on page: Please let me know who else should be added. Thank you, Kind regards, Glen Glen de Saint Géry GNSO Secretariat
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