BC Comments on Registry Services

Dear Bruce and fellow councillors Please find attached a draft position from the Commercial and Business Users Constituency (BC) as a contribution to the GNSO Task Force on: Procedure for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture or operation of a gTLD registry. The BC has not completed its internal consultation on this matter and hence our contribution is only draft at this time. Additionally, while we have drafted specific responses to the four main tasks identified in the Staff Report and TOR, these are not included at this time and will be forthcoming when we are able to confirm the final status of our contribution to date. Business users and BC members rely upon a reliable, stable and secure Internet as the providers of critical connectivity and transport infrastructure of the Internet, developers of the applications and innovative use of the internet, and, of course, as day-to-day users of the Internet. For these reasons, changes to a core element of the Internet, ie. registry services of the gTLDs, are of critical importance. We look forward to contributing to the Task Force's work. Sincerely Elected Representatives of the BC Grant Forsyth Marilyn Cade Philip Sheppard
participants (1)
Grant Forsyth