The NRO.NET mailing list does not seem to be working properly... TC ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Techno CAT <mars.techno.cat@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 9:36 AM Subject: N R O a Three-Symbol .NET - ASN = 0.01110.00101.10100 To: ianaxfer@nro.net ICANN is a Contractor of the US Government - Department of Commerce The following TEXT from .MARS is provided for .EARTH Archive Purposes Only cat is one of the original UNIX commands - Sending email to C@T uses the .T Top Level Domain =============================================================== https://www.icann.org/en/stewardship/coordination-group/ "transition stewardship of the IANA functions to the global multistakeholder community" Questions: 1. Does "global" imply just EARTH ? or is the ISSS and MARS included ? 2. Does "multistakeholder" imply only "mammals" ? 3. Is one of the "IANA functions" the UNIQUEness Management of 16-bit ASNs ? For Unique 16-bit ASNs... On MARS they are 15-bits with a one-bit field to indicate .NET or .COM THREE Symbols from the 5-bit Base32 Alphabet[1] are used to directly map the 15-bits N R O a Three-Symbol .NET NET = 0 COM = 1 N = 14 = 01110 E = 5 = 00101 T = 20 = 10100 The 16-bit Unique ASN for NET NRO is 0.01110.00101.10100 The 16-bit Unique ASN for COM NRO is 1.01110.00101.10100 NRO.NET costs approximate $7.00 per year to "Register" with Verisign, the U.S. Government Contractor What does the ISOC IETF ICANN IANA charge for a unique ASN ? To "transition stewardship" of the IANA ASN function costs nothing on .MARS [1]Base32 Alphabet 0ABC DEFG HIJK LMNO PQRS TUVW XYZ1 2389 0123 4567 8901 2345 6789 0123 4567 8901 =============================================================== "This is a temporary list to be used as the mechanism for collecting public feedback on the IANA stewardship transition." @Techno_CAT_r http://Twitter.com/Techno_CAT_r -- ICANN is a Contractor of the US Government - Department of Commerce The following TEXT from .MARS is provided for .EARTH Archive Purposes Only cat is one of the original UNIX commands - Sending email to C@T uses the .T Top Level Domain =============================================================== =============================================================== "This is a temporary list to be used as the mechanism for collecting public feedback on the IANA stewardship transition." @Techno_CAT_r http://Twitter.com/Techno_CAT_r