Hi there,
we are an agency from the city of Bonn in Germany, who is interested in helping to become part of the new TLDs.
We would love to support .bonn to become reality, that’s we would like to be added to the respective mailinglists.
Kind regards
Sascha Foerster
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
Telefon: 0228 2495 4602
E-Mail: sascha.foerster(a)bonn.digital
📅 Persönliche Termine gibt es ganz einfach hier: https://kalender.bonn.digital/sascha
Bonn.digital eGbREndenicher Str. 5153115 Bonn
Telefon: +49 (0) 228 2495 4600E-Mail: kontakt(a)bonn.digital
Kontakt: https://bonn.digital/kontaktDatenschutz: https://bonn.digital/datenschutzNewsletter: https://bonn.digital/newsletter
Gesellschaftsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, GsR 30USt-ID: DE302265202Gesellschafter: Sascha Foerster und Johannes Mirus