Hi, Team.
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to give you an update on the implementation timing of IRTP-D.
Prior to ICANN55 in Marrakech, I sent out a message to see if anyone objected to 1 August 2016 as the effective date for the changes to the TDRP and Transfer Policy. The 1 August date was proposed because 1 August was the effective date for changes to the Transfer Policy as a result of IRTP-C.
To give you an update: we received community feedback in Marrakech regarding the IRTP-C changes and have been working with the IRTP-C IRT on those changes. The updated Transfer Policy, which will include the updated changes from IRTP-C and IRTP-D, will be announced shortly with an effective date of 1 December 2016. The updated TDRP will also be effective 1 December 2016. This will give all contracted parties the standard six-month notice period.
I would like to thank everyone on the team for your work on this implementation.
Please let me know me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Caitlin Tubergen
Registrar Relations and Contracts Manager
One World. One Internet.