Meeting: RDRS Standing Committee
Date/Time: Monday, 22 January 2024 at 17:30 UTC for 1 hour
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: Z@S07?t=v5
Audio only option:
Webinar ID: 921 8147 7886
Passcode: 3121016458
International numbers available:
ALL: Before joining the call
* Please send apologies to gnso-secs(a)<> only
* Please be sure you have read the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior <…>
* Wiki agenda page:
* Check your time zone:
ONLY for Members & Alternates
* Please join via the above Zoom Webinar link and staff will promote you to panelist.
* (Members) Please select “ Everyone” when posting to the chat for everyone to see your chat and so it’s captured in the recording.
Only for Observers:
* Observers will have ability to view member chat and information shared in the zoom webinar room.
* Observers will not be able to use chat or raise hands.
Meeting: RDRS Standing Committee
Date/Time: Monday, 22 January 2024 at 17:30 UTC for 1 hour
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: Z@S07?t=v5
Audio only option:
Webinar ID: 921 8147 7886
Passcode: 3121016458
International numbers available:
ALL: Before joining the call
* Please send apologies to gnso-secs(a)<> only
* Please be sure you have read the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior <…>
* Wiki agenda page:
* Check your time zone:
ONLY for Members & Alternates
* Please join via the above Zoom Webinar link and staff will promote you to panelist.
* (Members) Please select “ Everyone” when posting to the chat for everyone to see your chat and so it’s captured in the recording.
Only for Observers:
* Observers will have ability to view member chat and information shared in the zoom webinar room.
* Observers will not be able to use chat or raise hands.
Dear RDRS Standing Committee Members,
Welcome to the RDRS Standing Committee Mailing List! (We have also copied the EPDP P2 Small Team on this message in case there are members who have not yet expressed interest in the RDRS Standing Committee.)
During the final meeting of the EPDP P2 Small Team, Small Team members shared helpful feedback regarding their initial impressions and experiences with the RDRS. The Team then requested ICANN org staff to create a Google Doc that the team could use to input those impressions and continue sharing feedback as it comes in.
Please continue to gather feedback from requestors and registrars and share it using this Google Doc:….
NOTE: this document houses two tables: one for requestors and one for registrars. We thought it would be helpful to separate the feedback this way.
Thank you for sharing your feedback!
Please let us know if you we can be of additional assistance.
Best regards,
Julie and Caitlin