Greetings ASP-IRT Sub-track members,
We'd like to share that version 2 of the draft ASP Handbook has been published on the ASP section of the Next Round website:
It is still version 2 (and not final) due to the remaining dependencies and bracketed text. Though, we anticipate many of those remaining dependencies will be resolved in the coming weeks following Board decisions and AGB dependency discussions with the IRT. The intent was to publish the latest version of the Handbook to the website following public comment to inform potential applicants as well as the start of communications, outreach, and engagement for ASP.
With regard to the additional questions and comments the sub-track provided following the public comment, I'm also attaching the set of additional comments received on-list along with ICANN org's response or action taken.
As noted last week, in light of timing constraints to get the draft Handbook posted to the ASP website, we anticipated that it may be difficult to address every additional comment received. We have done our best in the time available; if any of your previous comments or suggested were not yet addressed in version 2, they will be considered for version 3 of the ASP Handbook.
Please recall that we are still working on more significant structural changes to the Handbook--for instance, removing the criteria tables and replacing them with a simpler outline of criteria and indicators.
It has been lovely to see many of you here this week in Kigali. Many thanks for your continued commitment and enthusiasm for the ASP.
Kind regards,
Kristy, on behalf of the ASP Project Team
Greetings ASP-IRT colleagues,
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to join our three ASP-IRT sessions this week, Meetings #17-19<> to review the public comments received on the draft ASP Handbook<…> and proposed changes to the draft Handbook.
You may recall that the draft ASP Handbook that went out for public comment included a number of areas with bracketed text, including placeholders for additional details previously requested by the ASP-IRT. Wherever possible, ICANN org has added additional information suggested by the IRT and updated/removed bracketed text. Per the public comments received, staff moved important text to colored text boxes.
As indicated in our sessions this week, we are sharing:
1) an updated "clean" version 2 of the draft ASP Handbook<…>;
2) an attached redline version 2 of the draft ASP Handbook (it looks scary because of all the structural changes; substantive changes were discussed this week and any further ones are noted with comments to the IRT; the redline version is attached because it would not load properly on Drive); and
3) the version of the draft ASP Handbook<…> that went out for public comment.
*Due to timing constraints, we have provided the Handbook as view-only and we're asking that any further feedback be provided on-list.
As discussed, the redline will show a number of editorial and structural changes to the draft Handbook, per the comments and letters received. As we noted during our meetings this week--improving the readability of the ASP Handbook is still a work in progress. For example, the current criteria and indicator tables in the Handbook were updated to reflect how information is organized in the ASP Application System. Though there are few substantive changes to the criteria and indicators other than those relating to public comments or those discussed with the ASP-IRT (e.g., updating Financial Need to align with other criteria). However, in considering how to improve readability, we realize that tables are not easy to follow. So, in the next iteration we will remove the tables and just list the ASP criteria and indicators in an outline format. We will also include an appendix of the criteria, application questions, and required documentation.
As you review the clean version 2 of the draft ASP Handbook, please keep an eye out for "Comments to the IRT" -- these are explanatory notations of substantive changes made and in some cases, rationale as to why those changes were proposed.
In terms of next steps, we kindly ask the ASP-IRT to review the clean version 2 of the draft ASP Handbook and to share any additional questions or comments on-list by 17:00 UTC on Friday, 31 May.
Following this, ICANN org will finalize version 2 of the draft ASP Handbook then post to the wiki and website once ready.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions. Many thanks to this group for its continued dedication and thoughtful contributions. We are getting there and we appreciate your involvement.
Kind regards,
Kristy, on behalf of the ASP Project Team