Hi there.
Since we don’t have yet an active SPIRT, and news for the ASP/RSP systems being launched have been posted here, I will post things here while more targeted channels are created in the road for 2026.
After issues with ICANN authentication structure, now mitigated by using a different browser for ASP/RSP usage, the very first step, setting up the Organization, also resulted in failure.
The issue is with the documents required, proof of establishment and good standing, and how they are required to be sent.
1) Only one file allowed
Each of the requests allow only one file to be sent. In my jurisdiction a good standing documentation is composed of 15 different certificates.
2) File size limit too low
The file is allowed to be only 5 MB. Our proof of establishment is more of that in size (22 pages, 7 MB); I managed to reduce quality and make it down to less than 5 MB, but because it is not in English, the size would actually be the double of that.
3) Non-English organizations are *required* to provide certified translations themselves
Different from 2012, organizations are now required to provide both the original document, a certified translation and the certification statement. All of that in a single file limited to 5MB… so besides the costs for getting certified translations (way to go to foster Global South, ICANN!), it also requires reducing the quality of the documents, possibly to point of making them unreadable. Which also will make harder for evaluators to find indicators of forgery, since even the real documents will be of very low quality.
Even Canadian organizations (where legal documents are of two official languages) might face issues here.
Perhaps the system requirements should have gone thru a review of anyone not from the US ?