The motions are just placeholders offered for items that have ben on
the agenda for decision for over a week. None of the motions has
been made or seconded yet and are offered as a starting place for
discussion as necessary.
We have discussion and decision on sending a letter to the CEO/COO on
travel policy on the agenda for 3 Jan.
The following has ben added to the Motions page of Google Docs.
3. Possible motion long term travel arrangements for meetings
Whereas the GNSO council remains concerned about funding the council
members to attend future ICANN meetings
Resolved that the letter drafted in http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg04353.html
be sent to the CEO of ICANN with a copy to the COO of ICANN.
We have a discussion/decision on the IDNC WG on the agenda tomorow.
the following has ben added to the Motions page of Google Docs.
1. Possible Motion on IDNC WG
Whereas the council has questions and concerns regarding Board
resolution 07.89
Resolved that the response as drafted in http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/repsonse-to-resolution-07-89-20dec07.pdf
be sent to the Board.
{any alternate motions should be sent to the list and entered on the
Google docs page}