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Re: [council] Draft GNSO Council Letter to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations
by Drazek, Keith 05 Sep '19
by Drazek, Keith 05 Sep '19
05 Sep '19
Hi all,
In preparation for our 22 August GNSO Council meeting, and further Council discussion on this topic, I am attaching an updated draft letter for your review.
We have attempted to incorporate everyone’s comments and expressed views in this draft.
To summarize, the goal of this letter is to:
1. Ensure the Council is proceeding as expected under Annex A-1 Section 6 of the ICANN Bylaws.
2. Create a record of the Council-Board engagement in Marrakech.
3. Advise the Board of the Council’s current thinking around Recommendation #1, Purpose 2 and Recommendation #12.
4. Seek further input from the Board, and ideally confirm a common understanding or more clearly understand any difference of opinion.
5. Ensure that the Council is setting good precedent in terms of how we engage in this kind of situation.
In response to comments from Marie and Flip, we have added language that acknowledges a difference of opinion among Councilors on the subject of Rec #12 and the deletion of data.
Please review and provide any comments to the list. We will also discuss next week. Let me know if I missed anything.
Thanks to all and I appreciate your patience on this one.
From: council <council-bounces(a)> On Behalf Of Rubens Kuhl
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 2:08 PM
To: Flip Petillion <fpetillion(a)>
Cc: gnso-secs(a); council(a)
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [council] Draft GNSO Council Letter to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations
Em 30 de jul de 2019, à(s) 10:14:000, Flip Petillion <fpetillion(a)<>> escreveu:
I share the feeling that it is uncommon to have a substantive discussion within the Council. However, that is exactly what the Bylaws mandate us to do within the atypical framework of expedited PDPs. Doesn’t the proposed one pager attached to the draft letter also address substance?
I don't think the bylaws mandate who specifically does that. It's a substantive discussion, but in the same way we ask WGs to take them, we can ask the RegData EPDP WG to answer the substance. If we engage ourselves in a discussion where we first delegated authority to a WG, we would be disenfranchising them.
BTW, Expedited PDPs only differ from Standard PDPs by not having an Issue Report to frame discussions. So everything we does here is a precedent for any future PDP, being an EPDP or not.
As to your second comment, I think we owe it to the community to provide the Board with recommendations and reasoning that is legally sound. If certain aspects of privacy have been previously overlooked, now seems the time to correct them.
IPC can send Board, PDP or anyone else any communication they see fit at any time. But the discussion here is not that, it's only the Board rationale for not approving the PDP recommendation.
Best regards,
Flip Petillion
Attorneys – Advocaten - Avocats
From: Rubens Kuhl <rubensk(a)<>>
Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2019 at 13:22
To: Flip Petillion <fpetillion(a)<>>
Cc: Ayden Férdeline <icann(a)<>>, "council(a)<>" <council(a)<>>
Subject: Re: [council] Draft GNSO Council Letter to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations
I find strange we are having a substantive discussion on the topic within the Council. I believe our approach to board denials of PDP recommendation should be to ask the PDP WG what clarifications or positions they have, and relay them to the board. IPC is represented in the PDP so the same content you posted here could be used there while formulating the response, whatever that response would look like.
And still on process grounds, it's clear that the board rationale for not approving part of Rec. 12 is different from the IPC rationale you relayed to the Council. But the rationale that needs to be answered to is the Board one, because they've made the decision to not fully approve rec. 12. So while it's interesting to know the overall IPC position on the matter, the topic at hand is the Board decision.
On 30 Jul 2019, at 06:54, Flip Petillion <fpetillion(a)<>> wrote:
Hi Ayden,
Thank you for your questions and for the opportunity to clarify our position. I understand your questions address the substance of the recommendations and not the GNSO Council’s remit within the Board Approval Process.
1. Regarding your first question:
You are correct that the ‘Organisation’ field pertains to information of legal entities and thus should not be subject to GDPR principles (and thus should not be deleted or even redacted). However, this is not treated as such in the Final Report. To avoid that we enter into circular discussions, we started from the premise in the Final Report (and the draft rationale for rec. #12) that the GDPR could apply to the ‘Organisation’ field. Our point is that, in such a case, the practices of both disclosing AND deleting data are subject to GDPR according to article 4 (2). ,The deletion of previously provided data can likewise not occur without a solid purpose, legal basis and safeguards.
2. Regarding your second question:
(i) You are correct that the GDPR requires consent to be informed, affirmative and freely given. However, active opt-in consent is only required when relying on consent as a legal basis (art. 6.1.a). The Final Report and the guidance of the EU Authorities and DPAs have established that, depending on the purpose, the performance of the registration contract (art. 6.1.b) and legitimate interest (art. 6.1.f) are the valid legal bases. For the latter, an opt-out mechanism or redaction mechanism can be sufficient to shift the balance in favour of the interested party (cfr. Article 29 WP Guidance on Legitimate Interest) and active opt-in consent is not required.
(ii) If you were to rely on consent as a legal basis, normally (and ideally) consent is obtained at the time of collection of the personal data (i.e. the registration of the domain name). It is at this point in time that the data subject (registrant) is properly informed of the processing activities and is engaged in providing the necessary information related to the purpose and legal bases (i.e., performance of the registration agreement). Practice has shown that there are a lot of problems with obtaining consent after the fact (i.e., during the performance of the registration agreement). Quite often data subjects cannot be contacted, are confused about the nature of the opt-in communication, are simply not interested, etc. Accordingly, the requirement of an active opt-in consent on the basis of a ‘review request’ to existing registrants unnecessarily risks losing valid organisation information on a wide scale.
I hope this sufficiently answers your questions and clarifies the position of the IPC on this matter.
Best regards,
Flip Petillion
Attorneys – Advocaten - Avocats
From: Ayden Férdeline <icann(a)<>>
Reply to: Ayden Férdeline <icann(a)<>>
Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2019 at 00:41
To: Flip Petillion <fpetillion(a)<>>
Cc: Maxim Alzoba <m.alzoba(a)<>>, Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell(a)<>>, "gnso-secs(a)<>" <gnso-secs(a)<>>, "council(a)<>" <council(a)<>>
Subject: Re: [council] Draft GNSO Council Letter to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations
Hi Flip,
Thanks for sharing this input from the IPC.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but since data that does not pertain to natural persons is beyond the scope of the GDPR, I do not understand how you can make the claim that article 4 (2) of the GDPR does not allow for the organisation field to be deleted. Could you please clarify? Thanks.
I am also concerned that what you describe below - "Practice has shown that data subjects are generally reluctant to take active steps after their data has been collected to provide active opt-in consent (cfr. opt-in emails)" - sounds like a proposal for not obtaining consent that is valid under the GDPR, which I understand requires consent to be freely given.
Kind regards,
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, 29 July 2019 18:29, Flip Petillion <fpetillion(a)<>> wrote:
Dear Keith,
Dear All,
The IPC shares the Board’s concern that the option to delete the Organisation fields contents as a result of a refusal or failure to respond by the registrant upon a ‘review request’ by the registrar, risks resulting in a wide scale loss of crucial information about the registrant's identity.
While the IPC acknowledges that Recommendation #12 achieved consensus support in the EPDP Team’s Phase 1 Final Report, we agree with the Board that the “or delete the field contents” part of recommendation #12 2) b) is not in the best interests of the ICANN community or ICANN.
We therefore do not agree that the recommendation should be resubmitted as is, and also not together with the presented rationale in the draft letter to the Board.
Irrespective of the debate as to whether the organisation field may contain personal data or not, the issues considered in the current rationale and the concerns of the Board can both be met by redacting the organisation data in case of an opt-out (or lack of active opt-in) instead of deleting.
· The concept of ‘privacy by default/design’ in the GDPR does not automatically necessitate the implementation of an opt-in mechanism (especially considering the legitimate interests attached to the transparency of organisation information online);
· The deletion/erasure by a controller of previously provided personal data is also considered ‘processing’ (article 4 (2) GDPR), for which the controller must determine a purpose and proper legal basis. As a result, a registrar cannot simply delete important information provided by the registrant unless (i) the registrant has requested the erasure of the ‘Organisation’ field by exercising his right to erasure (this right must be actively exercised and cannot be inferred), (ii) the retention of the ‘Organisation’ field is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing the domain name registration data (Recommendation #15 implies that the retention period of the data elements would at the minimum be the ‘life of the registration’), or (iii) the registrar can justify the deletion on the basis of another valid legal basis (such as the consent of the registrant).
Practice has shown that data subjects are generally reluctant to take active steps after their data has been collected to provide active opt-in consent (cfr. opt-in emails). Together with the expected difficulties in contacting the registrants and verifying their (lack of) consent on a wide scale, the IPC believes (in accordance with the Board Statement) that this would pose a serious and unnecessary risk to lose important registrant information.
Procedurally, we fail to see the use of the checks and balances incorporated in the ‘Board Approval Process’ of Annex A-1 Section 6 of the Bylaws if it would be outside the GNSO Council’s remit to allow a modification to the Consensus Policy recommendation delivered by the EPDP Team. Section 6 of Annex A-1 of the Bylaws specifically provides:
“At the conclusion of the Council and Board discussions, the Council shall meet to affirm or modify its recommendation, and communicate that conclusion (the "Supplemental Recommendation") to the Board, including an explanation for the then-current recommendation.”
The IPC therefore believes it is in the GNSO Council’s remit to consult with the Board and modify a Consensus Policy Recommendation if such modification alleviates concerns raised in the Board Statement and is in the best interest of the ICANN community and ICANN.
In accordance with the concern raised in the Board Statement, the IPC therefore believes that the “or delete the field contents” part (deletion option) of Recommendation #12 2) b) should be deleted.
Best regards,
Flip Petillion
Attorneys – Advocaten - Avocats
From: Flip Petillion <fpetillion(a)<>>
Date: Monday, 29 July 2019 at 21:41
To: Maxim Alzoba <m.alzoba(a)<>>, Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell(a)<>>
Cc: "gnso-secs(a)<>" <gnso-secs(a)<>>, "council(a)<>" <council(a)<>>
Subject: Re: [council] Draft GNSO Council Letter to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations
Dear Keith,
Dear All,
Due to the vacation period, we will be able to send in the IPC comments later today or tomorrow morning my time.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Flip Petillion
Attorneys – Advocaten - Avocats
From: council <council-bounces(a)<>> on behalf of Maxim Alzoba <m.alzoba(a)<>>
Date: Thursday, 25 July 2019 at 18:53
To: Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell(a)<>>
Cc: "gnso-secs(a)<>" <gnso-secs(a)<>>, "council(a)<>" <council(a)<>>
Subject: Re: [council] Draft GNSO Council Letter to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations
We support the current draft of the letter and comments of Darcy.
Also I'd like to underline , that the modification of the recommendations is for GNSO Council, not for the Board
,and that doing micro management of PDPs is not in the GNSO Council's role.
Maxim Alzoba
On Wed, Jul 24, 2019, 22:44 Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell(a)<>> wrote:
Thanks you, Keith.
The Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) agrees that it's outside the Council's remit to modify, or even suggest modification of, a consensus recommendation from a PDP working group and therefore objects to modifying Recommendation 12 to remove the deletion option. The Council should seek to formalize the rationale provided to the Board in Marrakech and resubmit the consensus recommendation to the Board for approval. Therefore, RrSG supports the Council's letter to the Board as written regarding Recommendation 12.
Regarding Recommendation 1, Purpose 2, the EPDP Team and Board have been quite clear that further legal analysis is necessary to ensure Purpose 2 is drafted consistent with applicable laws. In its Final Report, the EPDP Team recommended Purpose 2 be further evaluated during phase 2 of the EPDP. In its resolution, the Board clearly instructed ICANN Org to engage the DPAs to accomplish the necessary legal analysis to perform the work. That legal analysis must be completed before the EPDP Team can even begin to consider how to revise Purpose 2. Further, it is not typical for the Council to instruct a PDP as to when it works on such specific tasks. It is up to the PDP Working Group, with its leadership and coordinating with ICANN staff, to prioritize its work. So far, the EPDP Team has prioritized the work related to the System for Standardized Access to Non-Public Registration Data, consistent with its Charter, and with the concerns of many of the GNSO Councilors. At this point, the RrSG sees no reason for the Council to intervene to reprioritize the Purpose 2 work ahead of the chartered work.
On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 12:30 AM Drazek, Keith via council <council(a)<>> wrote:
Hi Marie,
Thanks for your initial feedback here, and for the discussion during yesterday’s Council call.
On your second point below, related to the Board’s treatment of Recommendation 12, I believe it is outside the Council’s remit to suggest, or even allow, a modification to the Consensus Policy recommendation delivered to us by the EPDP Team, and subsequently delivered by Council to the Board. In my view, it is the role of Council to now hold the Board accountable for its decision to not accept Rec 12 in full, and to call for the Board to accept it following the clarification they requested.
I welcome further discussion on these items following discussion with our respective SGs and Cs, but that’s my current view.
From: Marie Pattullo <marie.pattullo(a)<>>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 10:53 PM
To: Drazek, Keith <kdrazek(a)<>>
Cc: gnso-secs(a)<>; council(a)<>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Draft GNSO Council Letter to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations
Hi Keith,
Thanks for sharing the draft. I’m afraid I haven’t been able to discuss this much with our members yet (sorry) but on an initial reading, the BC does have some concerns.
On your first point, on rec 1, while the first sentence is great, we have problems with the second. As you know from the comments we attached to Janis’ letter, we really need to give the EPDP Team a clear instruction to reword this and replace the placeholder language; I understand that it’s not on the Team’s roadmap right now. We really think that at a minimum, Council needs to tell the Team to do that and get it back ASAP for Board action. We all agree that the EPDP should deal with this, so we really do need a purpose 2 (for 3rd party access) for the Board to adopt.
As for your 2nd para, on rec 12, we don’t agree that it should just be resubmitted as is. As you know, the BC really does think that as far as the ORG field goes, Rec 12 should be amended to remove the deletion option. There could always be an option of to allow the contracted parties to update any inaccuracies in the ORG field, as appropriate, if they need that.
Looking forward to the discussion!
From: council <council-bounces(a)<>> On Behalf Of Drazek, Keith via council
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:49 AM
To: council(a)<>
Cc: gnso-secs(a)<>
Subject: [council] Draft GNSO Council Letter to ICANN Board on EPDP Phase 1 Recommendations
Hi all,
In preparation for our Council meeting this week, please review the attached draft letter to the ICANN Board concerning next steps on the two EPDP Phase 1 recommendations not accepted in full by the Board.
As you will recall, we had a good conversation with the ICANN Board during our working session lunch, and we committed to following up on the issue. The draft letter is self-explanatory, and our goal is to ensure a common understanding between Council and Board before we take our formal action to request Board reconsideration on Recommendation 12. We want to avoid an ongoing back-and-forth on the issue, so our hope is this letter will pave the way to a clear resolution.
Please review before our Council meeting.
Thanks to Rafik and Pam for leading this work while I was on PTO.
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Thursday, 5 September 2019
ICANN Community Leadership Digest
This twice-weekly digest helps ICANN community leaders track requests and provides updates from ICANN org.
· REMINDER: NextGen@ICANN Survey
· REMINDER: Third Accountability and Transparency Review Survey Available for Community Input
Information Sharing
· NEW: Global Public Interest Framework Webinar
· NEW: Second ccNSO Organizational Review Final Report Published
· REMINDER: Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
ICANN66 Planning
· REMINDER: Save the Dates for ICANN66 Prep Week
· REMINDER: Publication Support for ICANN66
· REMINDER: CROP Deadline for ICANN66
· SAVE THE DATE: ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception
Public Comment
· Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
Executive: Sally Costerton, Senior Adviser to President and Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement
FOR: All Community Leaders
The ICANN organization is initiating a community consultation []<…> to identify improvement opportunities for the NextGen@ICANN Program []<…>. The review will start with gathering community input via a survey about several aspects of the NextGen@ICANN Program, including its purpose, goals, processes, and synergies with the ICANN academic community.
The survey []<…> (PDF with background at the beginning and questionnaire questions at the end) is intended for all ICANN community groups; individuals are encouraged to work with their relevant Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees, stakeholder groups, and constituencies. Responses are due Monday, 9 September 2019.
Based on the input received from the survey, ICANN org will draft a proposal for program improvements that will be published for Public Comment. Once all feedback is received, ICANN org will prepare the final proposal for program improvements.
Sally Costerton's blog post about the NextGen@ICANN Community Consultation []<…>
REMINDER: Third Accountability and Transparency Review Survey Available for Community Input
Executive: Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives
FOR: All Community Leaders
The third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) has published a survey for community input.
The aim of this survey is to collect opinions from individuals and groups in the ICANN community on ICANN’s accountability and transparency, and to help the ATRT3 Review Team identify areas which require improvement and could benefit from a recommendation.
The individual survey is available here:
The group survey (intended to capture group responses from ICANN community groups) is available here:
Following the close of both surveys on Friday, 13 September 2019 at 23:59 UTC, the ATRT3 Review Team will evaluate responses as input to its draft final report.
Information Sharing
NEW: Global Public Interest Framework Webinar
Executive: Sally Costerton, Senior Adviser to President and Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement
FOR: All Community Leaders
You are invited to attend a webinar to learn more about one of the ICANN Board’s operational priorities: the public interest.
The global public interest is central to many of ICANN’s primary governance documents, and the ICANN Board hopes to play a role in facilitating a bottom-up, community-driven process to develop a framework as a toolkit for the ICANN community to consider the global public interest. These considerations would not change the process by which decisions are made but could instead serve as tools for the community to reinforce the commitment to the public interest and to demonstrate how specific recommendations, advice, and public comments are in the global public interest. This includes the ICANN community guiding the ICANN Board about the public interest determination the latter must make in its decisions.
To learn more about the framework, please read the discussion paper []<…>.
The Global Public Interest Framework Webinar has been scheduled for Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 15:00 UTC.
To join the webinar, please visit
Zoom call details
Meeting ID: 288 558 444
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Time zone converter []<…>
NEW: Second ccNSO Organizational Review Final Report Published
Executive: Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives
FOR: All Community Leaders
Meridian Institute, the independent examiner of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO), has concluded its review and submitted its final report []<…>. The final report is the result of Meridian’s review of documents, observation of meetings, interviews and a community-wide survey. The report contains important findings on how the ccNSO fulfills its purpose, manages its structure and operations, and strives for accountability.
REMINDER: Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
Executive: Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives
FOR: All Community Leaders
A Public Comment proceeding []<…> seeking input on the “Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model []<…>” launched on 27 August 2019. The proceeding will provide input for developing a work plan to address issues hampering the effectiveness and efficiency of ICANN’s multistakeholder model. To discuss the proceeding and next steps, the community is invited to participate in a webinar []<…> on 11 September 2019 at 23:00 UTC or 12 September 2019 at 16:00 UTC. Brian Cute, the facilitator for Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model, is available to discuss this work with any ICANN community group at its convenience. To contact Brian, please send your request to the mailing list []<…>.
ICANN66 Planning
REMINDER: Save the Dates for ICANN66 Prep Week
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
FOR: All Community Leaders
ICANN66 Prep Week will take place 14-17 October 2019. This initiative aims to streamline the pre-ICANN Public Meeting experience to improve community preparation and increase awareness of plenary session topics. Stay tuned for an announcement with the full schedule and remote participation details.
REMINDER: Publication Support for ICANN66
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
FOR: All Community Leaders
TOMORROW: Translation Deadline
If your ICANN66 publication requires translation, please provide the final material(s) by Friday, 6 September 2019. This ensures that there is enough time to translate the publication by the print deadline.
Print-Only Deadline
If you only need your ICANN66 publication printed (meaning your publication is ready to send directly to the printer and needs no translation or design/layout modifications), please provide the file along with the quantity you want printed and dimensions of the publication by Friday, 20 September 2019.
Please work directly with your Policy support staff to submit these requests to chantelle.doerksen(a) and liana.teo(a)
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
FOR: All Community Leaders
For eligible groups planning to use Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) funds to conduct outreach during ICANN66, requests must be submitted no later than Friday, 13 September 2019. No exceptions will be made.
When submitting a CROP travel request, please keep in mind the following:
· Trip requests must be approved by the respective community leadership team.
· For FY20, the trip request must be filled in by the CROP participant via the CROP Wikispace.
· In order to access the CROP Wikispace, applicants must first have an account; please let the CROP Coordinator know if an account is needed.
· All individuals requesting CROP funding must also review the CROP Guidelines prior to submitting a request:
Please contact crop-staff(a) with any questions.
SAVE THE DATE: ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
FOR: All Community Leaders
The ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception with members of the ICANN Board and Executive
Team will be held on Friday, 1 November 2019. More details including location and specific time will be shared later.
Public Comment
Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model []<…>
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Monday, 2 September 2019
ICANN Community Leadership Digest
This twice-weekly digest helps ICANN community leaders track requests and provides updates from ICANN org.
· REMINDER: NextGen@ICANN Survey
· REMINDER: Third Accountability and Transparency Review Survey Available for Community Input
ICANN66 Planning
· REMINDER: Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
· REMINDER: Save the Dates for ICANN66 Prep Week
· REMINDER: Publication Support for ICANN66
· REMINDER: CROP Deadline for ICANN66
· SAVE THE DATE: ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception
Public Comment
· Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
Executive: Sally Costerton, Senior Adviser to President and Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement
FOR: All Community Leaders
The ICANN organization is initiating a community consultation []<…> to identify improvement opportunities for the NextGen@ICANN Program []<…>. The review will start with gathering community input via a survey about several aspects of the NextGen@ICANN Program, including its purpose, goals, processes, and synergies with the ICANN academic community.
The survey []<…> (PDF with background at the beginning and questionnaire questions at the end) is intended for all ICANN community groups; individuals are encouraged to work with their relevant Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees, stakeholder groups, and constituencies. Responses are due Monday, 9 September 2019.
Based on the input received from the survey, ICANN org will draft a proposal for program improvements that will be published for Public Comment. Once all feedback is received, ICANN org will prepare the final proposal for program improvements.
Sally Costerton's blog post about the NextGen@ICANN Community Consultation []<…>
REMINDER: Third Accountability and Transparency Review Survey Available for Community Input
Executive: Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives
FOR: All Community Leaders
The third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) has published a survey for community input.
The aim of this survey is to collect opinions from individuals and groups in the ICANN community on ICANN’s accountability and transparency, and to help the ATRT3 Review Team identify areas which require improvement and could benefit from a recommendation.
The individual survey is available here:
The group survey (intended to capture group responses from ICANN community groups) is available here:
Following the close of both surveys on Friday, 13 September 2019 at 23:59 UTC, the ATRT3 Review Team will evaluate responses as input to its draft final report.
Information Sharing
REMINDER: Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
Executive: Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives
FOR: All Community Leaders
A Public Comment proceeding []<…> seeking input on the “Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model []<…>” launched on 27 August 2019. The proceeding will provide input for developing a work plan to address issues hampering the effectiveness and efficiency of ICANN’s multistakeholder model. To discuss the proceeding and next steps, the community is invited to participate in a webinar []<…> on 11 September 2019 at 23:00 UTC or 12 September 2019 at 16:00 UTC. Brian Cute, the facilitator for Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model, is available to discuss this work with any ICANN community group at its convenience. To contact Brian, please send your request to the mailing list []<…>.
ICANN66 Planning
REMINDER: Save the Dates for ICANN66 Prep Week
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
FOR: All Community Leaders
ICANN66 Prep Week will take place 14-17 October 2019. This initiative aims to streamline the pre-ICANN Public Meeting experience to improve community preparation and increase awareness of plenary session topics. Stay tuned for an announcement with the full schedule and remote participation details.
REMINDER: Publication Support for ICANN66
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
FOR: All Community Leaders
THIS WEEK: Translation Deadline
If your ICANN66 publication requires translation, please provide the final material(s) by Friday, 6 September 2019. This ensures that there is enough time to translate the publication by the print deadline.
Print-Only Deadline
If you only need your ICANN66 publication printed (meaning your publication is ready to send directly to the printer and needs no translation or design/layout modifications), please provide the file along with the quantity you want printed and dimensions of the publication by Friday, 20 September 2019.
Please work directly with your Policy support staff to submit these requests to chantelle.doerksen(a) and liana.teo(a)
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
FOR: All Community Leaders
For eligible groups planning to use Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) funds to conduct outreach during ICANN66, requests must be submitted no later than Friday, 13 September 2019. No exceptions will be made.
When submitting a CROP travel request, please keep in mind the following:
· Trip requests must be approved by the respective community leadership team.
· For FY20, the trip request must be filled in by the CROP participant via the CROP Wikispace.
· In order to access the CROP Wikispace, applicants must first have an account; please let the CROP Coordinator know if an account is needed.
· All individuals requesting CROP funding must also review the CROP Guidelines prior to submitting a request:
Please contact crop-staff(a) with any questions.
SAVE THE DATE: ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support
FOR: All Community Leaders
The ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception with members of the ICANN Board and Executive
Team will be held on Friday, 1 November 2019. More details including location and specific time will be shared later.
Public Comment
Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model []<…>
Close Date: Monday, 14 October 2019
Volume 1, Issue 46 | Archive []<…> | Next Issue: Thursday, 5 September 2019
ICANN | 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536
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FW: [gnso-secs] Correspondence: GNSO Council to ICANN Board - EPDP-Phase 2 Request for Additional Resources
by Nathalie Peregrine 02 Sep '19
by Nathalie Peregrine 02 Sep '19
02 Sep '19
Dear all,
Please find attached the correspondence sent earlier today from the GNSO Chair to the ICANN Board regarding the EPDP Phase 2 Request for Additional Resources. This will be posted shortly on the GNSO Correspondence page<>.
Kind regards,