Dear Councilors,
This is for your information. As some of you would know an expression of interest is about to be launched to select a second GNSO representative to the Community Representatives Group for IRP Standing Panel selection. The responsibilities of this second GNSO representative and those of the IRP Community Representatives Group are reproduced below.
No immediate action is required from us at this point, but as for the initial EoI, Council will be requested to endorse the Standing Selection Committee's selection, which should happen within a couple of months. The following draft timeline as circulated to the SG/C leaders is the following:
* 8 March 2021: EOI process opens
* 28 March 2021: EOI process closes
* 29 March-9 May 2021: SSC completes selection process
* 10 May 2021: Document deadline for May Council meeting
* 20 May 2021: GNSO Council votes on SSC selection
The IRP Community Representatives Group will work with ICANN org to evaluate and vet candidates for the IRP Standing Panel and will collectively nominate a slate of Standing Panelists to the ICANN Board for approval. Please note that that the work of the Community Representatives Group may have already begun when the new GNSO representative joins. Therefore, the new GNSO representative will need to catch up with any work already underway.
The Community Representatives Group is expected to:
* In coordination with ICANN org, select an external expert to help conduct initial interviews, vet candidates, and identify a slate of well qualified panelists for Board approval. Note that this task may already be complete by the time the new representative joins.
* Define the process for how the expert will coordinate with the IRP Community Representatives Group on vetting candidates and identifying a slate of panelists, including potential interviews as appropriate. Note that this task may already be complete by the time the new representative joins.
* Work with the expert to confirm a skillsets matrix for evaluation of candidates.
* Coordinate with and oversee the expert's work on vetting candidates.
* After facilitation by the expert, recommend a slate of well qualified panelists for Board approval.
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